20Political meeting in chapel. Seniors meet in chapel.
21Juniors   try   their  hand   at  running  chapel.
22Old Main sways  in  the breezes.
23Editor of Kernel springs his Spring editorial.
24-25Salvation for the illiterate! Prof. Croissant.
26-27We  are  praying  for  a  change.
28"Remember   Raymond   Robins."
29Everybody goes to the Tobacco Warehouse to   the   Style  Show.
30"Squirrel Food" pulls an ancient one! Not that it's unusual.
31"Chief" in chapel. A sample of what he gives the Techs.
1Who  got you? 2Margaret  Ingel's view on marriage and men
in   general   published   in  Leader. 3"Dutch"   busy   receiving   notes   of   sympathy
and condolence.
4"Firecracker"  tells  ignorant  "studes"   a  little
about the Bible.
5Bart  walks   to  class with   (?). 6This   week   O.   K..,   but   next   week,    BEWARE!     Men,  take notice. 7Strollers   announce   in   chapel   that   "Father
and the Boys" will be presented soon. 8King Winter again.
9Many Seniors clandestinely hunt the "mysterious man." Those class dues must be paid, and, besides, SHE likes to go to the movies.
10Corn tells Harrodsburg High School students why  they  should  go  to  State.    We wonder what   reason  he  gave. 11That  feeling is  coming. 12It  is  here.
13At last they have happenedthe girls' issue of the Kernel and "Father and the Boys." 14Patt Hall tragedy! Thrilling incident at the dormitory. Miss Heller attempts suicide after "Father and the Boys." Friends rush to her aid.    It is hoped she will live.

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