 of Agriculture
COME  hither,   all  ye who  love  the  life of  quiet  simplicitythe  one  of   true happiness   and   independence.    It   allows   one   to   roam   among   the   meadow grasses with  the  cows,  and pick the meadow   flowers.    He can  listen  to  the sweet sounds of evening,  as darkness  lets down its sable shroud over the earth  and he returns to his well-earned restthe singing milkmaid,  the contented, lowing herd, the happy calls of playing children, and the softly tinkling bells of the distant flocks. No   discordant   note   from   the  world   outside   can   enter   the  quietness   of   his   own domain to disturb him.    This is the life of the gods who on Olympus dwelt.