THE question of organizing a Graduate School was brought to the attention of the former Committee on Degrees  and  Diplomas by  Dr.   Mackenzie,  Head of the Department of English.     This was done in view of the increase in applications coming before this committee for such work as is generally conducted in a Graduate School. By resolution of the Board of Trustees, in Executive Committee April 12, 1912, the Graduate School was created and Dr. Mackenzie was made Dean.    Professors Lyman Chalkley, L. K. Frankel, F. E. Tuttle, and J. E. Tuthill were appointed on the Graduate School Committee.
The first regular meeting of the Graduate School Committee was held November 27, 1912, and since that time the School has grown steadily in numbers and in prestige. The enrollment for the current year is eighty-three, which compared with fifty-six of last year, shows a greater growth than that of any similar organization in America.
There  are  resident  students  enrolled  in  the Graduate  School   from  Pennsylvania,