Carl Bettinger, B.S.
Bui,  the future  lies ahead
"Belts,"   the   modest   youth   from   Covington,   aspires   to be  a champion boxer  some day.
Glover Birk, B.S. Chem. Owensboro
Track   Team   !!;   Union   Literary   Society.
Here is a man who, by earnest endeavor and steady application, has done well as an undergraduate. He fought hard on the track and the gridiron to win a place where he might bring honor to the University. To him should  go much praise.
Edward A. Blackburn, B.S. Agr. Ludlow
.Sigma Chi; Alpha Zeta: Pan-Hellenic Council 4; Editorial Staff. "KBNTDCKIAN; Business Manager Varsity Hand Book 4; Battalion Lieutenant 3; Class Football   2;   Y.   M.   C.   A.   Cabinet   3.
In "Ole Big" we have a man second to none. His good fellowship has endeared him to many. His enthusiasm and a spirit of progress have satisfied demands of the most exacting. His work in college is evidence that he wili get what he goes after in life.
Alfred Dunbar Bosley, B.S. Agr.. Owensboro
Union   Literary   Society;   Agricultural   Society.
We have not yet become reconciled to Alfred's change lo a Chesterfield in his Senior year. In September he could carry a cane more gracefully and wear a mustache more unconsciously than any other in the class. At the same rate he should be Commissioner of Agriculture  in   two or  three  years.