Charles Leroy Bowers, B.A.
Y. M. C. A., Cabinet 4; Catholic Club; 4-K Club; Democratic Club; English Club; Patterson Literary Society.
"Roy" hails from Newport.    He prefers lo watch the battle from the hilltops. His  favorite poet is "Browning; his favorite spot the    library; favorite color, "Brown."
Elizabeth Carleton Brewer, B.A. Eminence
Kappa Kappa Gamma; Y. W. C. A., Secretary 1, 2, Cabinet 2; Strollers; Choral Society; Philosophian Society; Cast ot "College Widow" and "Call of the Blood."
Divinely tail and most divinely fair "Carl" started out to find fame in the realm of Mathematics, but after finishing Physics, Chemistry, Calculus, and Analytics, she decided the scientific course was too easy. So in her Junior year she enlisted as one of the humble followers of the Arts. She has never been idle in the study of History, and especially of the lives of great men. For more than a year she made a special study of the personal life and characteristics of "Arnold," and since that time has turned her attention to "Boone"  and "Clay."
Hazel Brown, B.S. Lexington
Library   Club,   Secretary   4.
Hazel entered school as the middle member of the "Bugology Firm A. B. C." But when the firm disbanded, she gave up counting the number of fingers on the hand of an ant, and devoted her energies to "Bowers." She has gone unscathed through Physics, Chemistry, and Geology, and is now prepared for anything that may confront her. But we predict for her in the future: A path through the Arcadian land of golden sunshine and breezes, with "bowers" at her right hand, where every word  and deed pleases her.
Iley Baker Browning, B.S. Paducah
Class Football 1, 2; President Pennyroyal Club; Jackson  Purchase  Club;   Observatory Assistant.
Iley can tell you the age of the hills as well as a jockey can tell the age of horses, and he knows all the slips and faults of this old earth.