..  , .. .
Leland Early Payton, B.A. Horse Cave
Y. M. C. A. Cabinet 2; Pennyroyal Club; Idea Staff: 3; Lieutenant 3, Captain 4; Democratic Club; Vice-President   Pre-Medical   Society   4.
Payton is a "cave-dweller," but if men in those prehistoric times were as civilized as he, the world has made   retrogression  instead  of  progression.
Gracean Goodwin Pedley, B.S. Agr. Owensboro
Kapp Alpha; Lamp and Cross; Pan-Hellenic Council 3, President   4;   Tau   Sigma;   Owensboro   Club.
"Duck" has encountered few obstacles since his arrival here. E-ven chemistry profs have recoiled before his irresistible personality. A born gentleman, a natural leader, "Gracious" will undoubtedly make good in any line of activity he takes up.
Everett Smith Penick, LL.B. Elkton
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Tau Sigma; Class Football 2; Glee Club;  Pennyroyal Club.
"Judge's" mellow voice has brought joy to the heart of many a fair maid during his term here. It seems now that it has done even more for him. Here's wishing him  marital  bliss.
David McChord Phelps, Jr., B.C.E. Richmond
B. S. C. B.; Tau Beta Kake; Triangle Club; R. O. Y. D.
Dave is a man of few words, and we have been able to find out little about him. It is our suspicion, however, that much might be learned about his "future" from one who lives not  far hence.
