He stated that, "He has kept us on task, and he has kept us remarkably on time in what was
considered, at best, a very, very ambitious schedule.” Dr. Brockrnan requested and received for
Mr. Stuckert and his co-chair Terry Mobley a round of applause.
Mr. Stuckert, chair ofthe Presidential Search Committee, reported that, "with deep
regret, the search committee is no longer functioning,” which was received with enthusiastic
laughter. Afterward, he thanked all ofthe members ofthe search committee, which included Jo
Hem Curris, Pamela May, Everett McCorvey, Billy Joe Miles, and Teny Mobley from the Board
of Trustees, Ms Myra Tobin, a representative of alumni, Sheldon Steiner, Hollie Swanson, and
Lee Meyer, faculty representatives, Bart Miller representing UK staff] and Ben Taylor Cox and
Ryan Smith, representing undergraduate and graduate students, respectively.
Mr. Stuckert also thanked enthusiastically the committee’s support officer, Peggy Way,
UK Executive Protective Team members Alan Saylor, and Robert McPherson, and consultants
from Greenwood Asher and Associates Jan Greenwood, Betty Asher, and Marian Frenche.
He also praised Dr. Brockrnan for his composure and acumen as he took the reins in the
final weeks and completed the task of bringing a list of candidates to the Board of Trustees. Mr.
Stuckert suggested that everyone is exceptionally pleased with the results ofthe search. He then
stated that he will not serve again in l0 years!
BB. Chair’s Report
Dr. Brockrnan accepted Mr. Stuckert’s remarks with gratitude and described the
happenings ofthe past few days. After the Board and the search committee met over the
weekend in northem Kentucky and announced Dr. Eli Capilouto as the preferred finalist on
Sunday evening, the candidate and his family were vetted across campus to the various
constituency groups on Monday, May 2. The full board and the search committee reviewed the
results in closed session that moming, May 3. At this point, he announced that there was a
motion to be made. He gave the honor of making that motion to Mr. Stuckert.
Mr. Stuckert’s motion was: "Mr. Chainnan, with great pleasure, I move that Eli
Capilouto be offered a contract by the Board of Trustees to serve as the l2th president of the
University of Kentucky.”
Dr. Brockrnan said: "It’s been moved that Eli Capilouto be nominated as the l2m
president of the University of Kentucky. Do I hear a second? It’s been seconded by Joe Peek.
All those in favor of approving for contract Eli Capilouto as our l2m president ofthe University
of Kentucky signify by saying aye. Opposed, no. It is unanimous!” Dr. Brockrnan brought out
Eli, Mary Lynne, and Emily Capilouto to the extended applause ofthe audience.
He then addressed the Capiloutos as well as the board:
"We are so excited that you are here -- Eli, Mary Lynne, and Emily. Last night
as I was thinking about today and all it means for our institution, I reflected back