P. Proposed Amendment to Goveming Reggglations: Faculty Entrepreneurial Leave
gAACR 6)
The proposal in AACR 6 creates entrepreneurial leave for faculty employees who wish to
take time off from their university position to pursue entrepreneurial activities. Because the
university encourages faculty employees to engage in entrepreneurial activities and supports the
efforts of faculty who wish to commercialize their discoveries, the pursuit of entrepreneurial
endeavors is a valid reason for establishing entrepreneurial leave. Establishing this type of leave
requires alteration of Governing Regulation Part X, which is presented for first reading. Ms.
Brown invited questions and then recommended approval. Her motion was seconded by Mr.
Stuckert. The first reading passed without dissent. Dr. Brockman explained that upon passage
ofthe second reading ofthis proposal at the next board meeting, it would become final. (See
AACR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)
Q. Finance Committee Report
Mr. Stuckert, chair ofthe Finance Committee, reported on the moming meeting ofthe
committee. He made a point to thank Mr. Warren Rosenthal, a long-time supporter ofthe
University of Kentucky, for his million-dollar pledge in FCR l, a consent item.
R. Proposed 20ll-l2 Tuition and Mandatoy Fees Schedule (FCR 4)
Mr. Stuckert thanked Ms. Angie Martin, Vice President of Financial Operations and
Treasurer, and Mr. Frank Butler, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration, for
making a trip to northem Kentucky the previous Friday where they explained to eight trustees
the background and rationale ofthe changes. There was additional discussion in the morning’s
Finance Committee meeting. And, using the newly instituted procedure to Petition to Address
the Board, Mr. Derek Hall from Flemingsburg, Kentucky and Ms. Amy Oliver from Princeton,
Kentucky, two law school students, addressed the Finance Committee about the tuition increases
for the College of Law, Law Dean David Brennen also spoke to that point.
Mr. Stuckert summarized the proposal for the 20l l-l2 tuition and mandatory fees
schedule. At its April 28 meeting, the Council on Postsecondary Education authorized these
criteria for research institutions (University of Kentucky and University of Louisville):
• maximum six percent increase for undergraduate, resident tuition and mandatory fees
• maintains the current floor for nonresident, undergraduate tuition and mandatory fees of
two times the resident undergraduate rate
• market competitive tuition and mandatory fee rates for graduate and first-professional
The rates in FCR 4 comply with the CPE criteria.
Mr. Stuckert moved approval of FCR 4 and indicated his willingness to answer any
questions that the Trustees might have. Mr. Mobley seconded the motion.