E  - G -
§ Garden Club of Benton (Continued)
Q Defense Lctivitiec: Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical
R Dressings, hed Cross Assistance. Interested in Preparation and
_.l E Serving of Food, Entertainment, Library Service.
"y g Local Publications; `None.
j LIONS CLUB {Liens International), cjb Graham Milkins, ¥enton. Founded
§ 1940. President, Graham`Jilkins, Benton, Telephone 560l. Secretary,
§ Joe Pete Ely, Benton, Telephone 575], Terms expire July, l9i2.
. Q Membership: 20. Qualifications, rocoymended by membership committee
gf and approved by beard of directors.
Q Committees: Attondxnee, Bob T. Leng; Finance, E. H. Wolfe; Education,
Q Homer Hiller; Hembership, B. L. Halliday; Program, Shelby McCallwi, all
§' of Benton.
le iQ Purpose; Local service club. _
Q Normal Civic Activities: None reported.
4 gi Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross nssistaroe, Discussion Loaders,
Q Public Speaking.
Q Local Publications; None.
C HARSHALL COUNTY FAKE BUREAU (Kentucky Farm.Burcau Federation, Armrican
§ Farm Bureau Federation), e/o Boone Hill, Benton. Founded lQo5. Presi~
‘ Q dent, Boone Hill, Benton. Secretary, 1. E, Bailey, Benton, Telephone
_g 523l. Terms expire February 1915.
é Membership; l50. Qualifications, owner or person having interest in
Q a farn.
2 Conmittcts; Executive, Boone Hill, Denton.
E Purpase; To improve agricultural conditions for the benefit of farmers.
E Normal Civic activities; None.
·§ Defense Activities; Interested in First gid, Collection of Scrap Metals
V lf and Other Metals, Research Assistance, Consumer Protection Activities.
~ `Q Local Publications; None.