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E Baptist Training Union, First Missionary Baptist Church (Continued)
E Membership: lOO. Qualifications, member of the church.
Q Committees; None reported.
5; Enrposez Religious training,
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g Hormcl Civic Activities; None.
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§‘ Defense Activities: Interested in Red Cross Assistance, First Aid.
it Local Publications: None,
it BUSY BEE CLUB OF BENTON, Lovett Building, Main Street, Benton. Founded
Q5 1958. President, Hrs. J. G. Lovett, Benton, Telephone 2551. Secretary,
} Mrs. Sam Farmer, R. R, gt, Benton. Terms expire September, l9&2,
in Membership; 55. Qualifications, women interested in home and civic
< ‘,_, welfare.
{I Committees; None reported.
QQ Purpose; To promote fellowship and to provide help for the unfortunate.
Y Normal Civic Activities; Cooperating with the Red Cross.
E Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, Recreation.
E Interested in Sewing and Preprratien of Surgical Dressings, First Aid,
r Child Care,
Q Local Publications: None.
Y: Missionari Seciot c o Hrs. Tom Jones Benton. Founded 1895. Pres-
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iT ident, Ure. Tom Jones, Benton, Telephone Eldl. Secretary, Hrs. Lilah
fc Shemwell, Benton. Terms expire June, l942.
Y' Membership: 14, Qualifications, women members of the Christian Church
· g who desire to join.
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. · L Committees- None re orted
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Y Purpose: To promote Christian and benevolent activities.