{ 2
  r I
p_ E Ghristian`Uoman's Council, First Christian Church (Continued)
§ Normal Civic Activities; A unified missionary program and the
. $ First Christian Church Orphans Hone.
` Q. Defense Activities; Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, Interested in
Q Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, First Aid.
V E Local Publications: None,
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, if mandory, Knights Templar of Kentucky, Grand Eneampnont of the United
j5 States Knights Templar), Bentoni Founded 1941. Commander, San C. Hyatt,
gi Benton. Term expires August, l9i2. Secretary, Gus Angle, Benton,
V QI Telephone 3581. Term expires August, 1912. Executive Secretary, B. L.
Q Halliday, Benton, Telephone 2521. Term indefinite.
Q- Hembership; 22. Qualifications, a Mason of good standing and veuched
`~· Q" for by Master Mason.
to Q Committees: None reported.
. Q Purpose; Moral teaching on good citizenship.
. Q Normal Civic Activities; None reported.
A i. Defense Activities; Interested in.Auxiliary Police, Air Raid Harden
Q. Service, Auxiliary Fire Protection, Ambulance Service, Operation of
3 Canteens, Radio Operation and Repair, Entertainment, Teaching American-
? ization Classes for Aliens and Others, Teaching Classes of Map Reading
§· and Skotching.
l, in Local Publications; None.
t FREE AND ACCEPTED HASONS, BENTON LODGE #701 (Grand Lodge of Kentucky,
 LL . ,- -·· r .
~,i ;_ Free and Accepted Masons), Benton. Founded 1912. Master, w. L. Travis,
Ei Denton. Secretary, S. N, Creason, Denton, Telephone d6ll. Terms
V Qt expire December, 1942.
$3 Membership; 160. Qualifications, white adult male citizens of good
,:, L4 character.
§· Committees; Investigation, E. C; Landran, Benton,
2 Purpose; Fraternal organization.