P Indianapolie, Ind., Aug. 27-1904.
E. F. Spears & Sons,
Paris, Ky. ·
since receiving your samples yeeterday and writiny you in
regard to prices, we are in receipt of your favor of the 25th inet.,
wherein you give the price of $2.50 per ton f. o. D. Paris, on either
sample eent us. Ae already written you we could not use the coarse,
or fiberoue sample, which we presume ie the hemp ofial, but the finer
material, which we conclude ie the olue grace weed offal, we will try
i and eee if it will anewer our purpose, and therefore ask you to chip,
ae a sample order, one ton of the finer sample goode, presumably the blue
grass offal, letting same come forward by freight via Cincinnati, and
attach eight draft to bill of lading, drawing same through the Indiana
N&TiOH&l Bank, of this city; the price to he $2.50 per ton as quoted,
and will ask that you put same in eacks,¤ecurely tied or eewed so th~re
will be none loet in transit. The additional charge for sacks would
I be saticfactory to us, which we presume, if we eo desire, we can return
to you, freight paid.
However, make the chipment for the above quantity at once,
and advise us;if the material does the work, we could no doubt ace it in
Youre truly,
S. G. Marshall,
106 S0. Penncylvania °t.