D .
‘ Indienapolie, Ind., Sept. 7—l9G&.
t Leos. E. F. Speare & Son, L
Peiinz, Ky.
We received your invoice, also bill of lodine, for shipment
made let inet., vie Cihcinnnti, but at this writiny the yoode have not
an yet arrived nor hee the draft been presented, whieh we requested you ·
to mote through the Indiana Netioh·l Bank, ow thin City. We ‘-,‘ Jill eek you I
to kindly hove tracer ment after the goods or we oro in need of some, and .
also advice if you have mode draft which will oe honored promptly upon V
pl"Gf;<3ll*; al.;?;lO1'1. V
- Whankine you.
· Ymmetmdy,
3. G. hermholl,
lO6 fo. Penneylveni; St.