xt7wh7080v67 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wh7080v67/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-11-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 24, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 24, 1975 1975 1975-11-24 2020 true xt7wh7080v67 section xt7wh7080v67   

Vol. LXVII No. 80
Monday. November 24.1975





South Hill

get relief

...for now

By DAN (‘Rl'Tt‘llER
Kernel Staff Writer

Attorneys on both sides of the South Hill
controversy agreed Friday that no more
houses will be torn down until at least Dec.
l —- when the attorney representing several
residents of the area must show that his
suit is valid.

The suit. filed Thursday, contends that
the Lexington (‘enter (‘orporation (LCC)
and l’rban (‘ounty government failed to
comply with a Kentucky statute which
requires “state agencies" to provide
relocation assistance to persons displaced
by government»authorized projects.


llowever. and l'rban (‘ountv

an independent student newspaper :—

govemment attorneys filed a motion
Friday to have the suit dismissed on
grounds that the state statute —the
Kentucky Relocation Assistance Act —
does not apply to this project. Fayette
('ircu it Judge Armand Angelucci gave the
South Hill residents' attorney. ()scar
(leralds. until Dec. 1 to file a brief showing
why the suit should not be dismissed.

After Friday's 0ne-hour~closed~door
meeting with attorneys for both sides.
Angelucci said. LCC and Urban county
government claimed only “federally
assisted projects" are covered by the

'l‘henefore. it appears that the question of
whether the (‘ivic (‘enter is a “federally
assisted project“ will be the central issue

2] University of Kentucky

Lexington Kentucky

in the lawsuit.

While the agreement to halt demolition
of houses was being determined in court
Friday. bulldozers continued cleaning up
rubble from the 16 houses already torn
down on Spring Street since demolition
began Wednesday. About half of the 16
dwellings left on Spring Street are still

The houses are being razed to provide
parking space for the Civic Center and
accompanying hotel. LCC officials have
claimed that if the parking lot is delayed
too long it may cause the hotel company ~—
llyatt llouse ~— to reconsider its com-
mittment to build a hotel adjacent to the
('ivic (‘enter. and thereby endanger the
entire project.



winning basket as

on page 7.

l K sophomore forward .laines Lee is about to score the
\ ugoslayia team m-it Saturday night befoi e a packed
house at Memorial ('oliseuin. l'nsuccessfully attempting
to stop Lee on the play is the visitors Kresimir (‘osic while

.\Iirza llelihasic its) ’watches helplessly. See game story

l n llt'\lllll£lll Rod Stewart. starting for the first time
Saturdai . dashes through the Tennessee line en route to a
.‘. .iid gain. The ('ats didn't gain enough. though. as the
rival Volunteers took an early lead and outlasted {K I?-
lit. The Wildcats finished the season a disappointing 2-X-l.

See game story on page .3.

Wildcats edged the touring

Janice Orwm

Win a few, lose a few



‘Fufure Shock': Author Toffler urges 'anticipatory democracy' at convention

Ry Rth .\ll'l‘(‘lll‘2l.l.
Kernel Staff Writer



3-K ,. f'..
()Il‘tk and cloth inus'


1’: f Across from .
_'EI- 19 5. Lime“.




" " rhinese food '1.


7.. .,





iatir l)“ ’1- st







Album reviews

Jimi Hendrix Music Machine
grinds if out, albums flow

lly 1'. III? \l('\\ II.I.I.\.\IS
kernel Stall \\ riter

the years alter .limi llen
itrix’s death. his Music Machine
i'tillllllllt‘S to operate unhindered
iy the ahsenee ol Hendrix
'tllll‘t‘ll \lhums under his name
ion .is ll hy sehedule earl: ont
tit-«~tssi\ely timer Hi quality

'ilii' ltilt'sl l't‘lt‘HSt‘. ’Nlltliiig’lil
Halitiiiiiiii' llepi‘ise , is no
'\.i‘t‘lllltill lit-iidri‘s. the tlashy

till it .zti «it i‘tiil. was .i ilitllltl‘

.illlltt-ui in: this .ilhum u.- is
sediit w! to a mere guttar player
and singer

\ili‘l' \\.ii lleroesfi \ihieh

.is the toui‘lh posthumous
lh‘lltll'l‘. alhum Ileprise seemed
to time rim out oi materials so
it .inager lion Schmitzerle asked
\lan llouglas. a tormer triend

and producer ol Hendrix‘s. II he
kneyi oi any tapes that \iere
ayailahle and iii sul‘tieient

lie'iglas said he thought
i-\'t'l'_\otit' l\ll('\\ ot the
'\\.‘ll‘(‘lltlllS(‘ tapes” \\ith over
on hours oi tapes and tour
liailllliS wt listening. liouglas
’!t‘t'ltlt‘tl t.‘ did indeed haye
though material tor a l("\\
.zlhumr‘ In .. llolling Stone in
lt‘l'\lt'\\, i.< said. 'lhe ti‘oiihle
1 Mil iizost o‘. the songs lllt
othei iitiisit-ians \Rt'l't‘lli making

i'louglas tripped ’ the
oiigiiial Mass and drums oi! the
tapes and lill't‘tl three musicians
to play along \\|lli the tape
machine to add dimension and

Hut oi these tap's came "t'rash

landing" and no“ ”Midnight
lightening" Hendrix's pet"
tormaiiee on the latter alhum is
disappointing hut it‘s to he (.x,
peeled Irom tapes that he never
thought \Hillltl he released The
haekup t'i'ev. doestit do a \(‘t’)
mod ioh. t‘spt‘t‘lilll} the hass and
ill‘llllh \‘ililt'l! are poorly arranged
.iiid plziyul

liouglas \iiltl m an l!ll(‘l‘\'l(’\y
.‘lll: '/_.,.t. \.‘.~z'!l_ ’\ou ham- to
Minter-lair} x ill‘i'i‘ll fuelling iiii
wit that .! iii. "nla ltlltli'l contract
-.ati. him xery pi'oiessional
ll .it!.l;_{t’lli"lli people -‘.litl \u-ie iii
'lit' t. i\l)lt)llilllt)ll
tusimss there \\.is no respect
tor quality tor the master
rimselt 'limy e\ploited the
ll‘llSlt' iii \\lll(‘llt‘\'t‘l' \\a_\
they eould sell it. \Vliieh is
shat Douglas is doing no“

Barry Manilow gets the feeling

i'\ l l.l