Finance Committee Report
December 8, 1970


Members, Board of Trustees:


Recommendation: that the Board of Trustees authorize the following
Lexington banks to continue as depositories for the University of
Kentucky and affiliated corporation funds for the period January 1,

1971 through June 30, 1971 or until
Finance Cornaittee is received and

University of Kentucky Funds

University of Kentucky Research

The Fund for Advancement of
  Education and Research in the
  University of Kentucky Medical

University of Kentucky Athletic

a recommendation fromn the,
acted upon.

First Security National
  Bank and Trust Company

Bank of Commerce

Second National Bank and
  Trust Company

Central Bank and Trust

and further recommends that Citizens Union National Bank~and Trust
Company, Lexington, Kentucky be designated as the depository for
the Tobacco Research Board impress cash fund,

Background: This action recomrnmends that the present depository
accounts of the University and its affiliated corporations be continued
through June 30, 1971, The Finance Committee is making an analysis
of the depository requirements of the University and will make a
recommendation within the next six months. The University has
received an impress cash advance for the fiscal operation of the
Tobacco Research Board. Authorization is necessary to establish
a bank as a depository.

Action: Approved      X     Disapproved

Othe r

Date:   December 8     1970

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