xt7wm32n6m65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wm32n6m65/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18970515 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1897-05-dec15. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1897-05-dec15. 1897 2011 true xt7wm32n6m65 section xt7wm32n6m65 


     The Board of Trustees met in
in the College building at 9 A. IMI.


the President's room,
on the 15, of December,

IvIr. Gathright, Chairman
Mr. Flournoy,
Gen. Hobson,


General Buell entered the room a few minutes later.

      Ordered that all communications, by the Secretary,
concerning the proceedings of the Board, shall be in

      Mr. Spurr offered the following:

        Resolved that $400 be appropriated to buy
for the Department of Civil Engineering.


      Carried as follows:

      Ayes - Flournoy, Gooding, Green, Hobson, James,
Kennedy, Patterson, Peak, Riddell, Spurr and Todd. - 11.

      Noes - 0

      Judge Riddell and Mr. Flournoy reported that they
had not been able to get any information on which to base
a report relative to Mr. Boswell's case.


YIIINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.15,1897 -page 156-157

     The Business Agent read his report to the Board, giving
in detail the amount of receipts and expenditures by the
College since July 1, The Report was referred to the
Committee on Finance for their inspection.

      The minutes of the Board of Control were read and
referred to the Committee on the Experiment Station.

      Ordered that $200.00 be appropriated for the purpose
of covering the uncovered part of the Green house and
paying some bills now outstanding.

      Ayes - Flournoy, Gooding, Green, Hobson, James, Kennedy,
Patterson, Peak, Riddell, Spurr and Todd, - 11.

      Noes --o

      The Committee on the President's report was next
called but was not ready to report.

      The committee on finance called but not ready to

      The committee on appropriations reported as follows:

      1! In-as-much as a new and well constructed fence
extends along the entire front of the college grounds, effective
action should now be taken to protect the enclosure from the
depredations to which they are subject ed from stock ranging
outside. Passengers on horse back and in vehicles cannot be
prevented from leaving the gates open, we, therefore,


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.15,1897 - page 157-158

recommend that as soon as practicable a sufficient amount
of money to build a neat and comfortable house at the main
entrance be appropriated. This house could be occupied by
the night - watchman and his family, the rental of which
would form part of his compensation, and the inmates could
be required to keep the gate closed, for which service a
reasonable compensation should be allowed, we believe that
by no other means can the grounds be protected.

      The building so erected would also be of service as
a temporary shelter for persons waiting for the street

                 (Signed)         A. P. Gooding,
                                   J. B. Kennedy,
                                   Richard A. Spurr,

      The foregoing report was so amended as to provide
that an amount not exceeding $1500.00 be appropriated, to
be used in the discretion of the Executive Committbee, to
erect a building at the main entrance to the college

      Report was received and adopted by Ayes and noes as

      A-ye - Flournoy, Gooding, Green, Hobson, Kennedy,
Patterson, Peak, Spurr, Todd - 9.

      No - - 0

      The committee on buildings and grounds asked for
more time.

      The committee on the Experiment Station asked for
more time.


MINIJTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec,15, 1897 -page 158-159

      Mr. Flournoy submitted the following:

      To the Board of Trustees
        of the A. & M. College.

      The committee on salaries begs to report that it
has no recommendations to make on this subject.

                                    J. C. Flournoy
                                    W. F. Peak

      Report received and accepted.

      Mr. Todd submitted the following: - To the Board of

      Your committee on the minutes of the Executive
Committee beg leave to report that they have examined the
minutes of the Executive Committee as carefully as the time
at their disposal would allow.

      We find that the accounts of receipts and expenditures
seem to be correct.

      We believe that the expenditures have been made in
accordance with orders of the Board.

      In reference to the uncovered portion of the green-
house, we recommend that an appropriation of one hundred
dollars be made with which to complete it.

      The question of attendance at Chapel services will
be considered by an other committee.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 15,1897 - page 159-160

     Without further detail we approve the acts of the
Executive Committee as indicated by their minutes.

                 Respectfully submitted,

                                   Thomas Todd,
                                   A. P. Gooding
                                   D. C. Buell,

      Ordered that, that part of *the foregoing report recommend-
ing the appropriation of $100 for completion of green house
be stricken out.

      On motion the report was then received and approved.

      General Buell read the following:

        To the Board of Trustees.

      A strict interpretation of the established rule would
require that the Committee on the report of the President
of the College, to which has been referred the President's
report for the present meeting of the Board, should " point
out such facts and suggestions as may seem to call for
special action and recommend the reference of the various
subjects to the appropriate standing committees respectively
or to special committees." But in order possibly to save
time and avoid the labor of these special or standing
committees, we venture as well to submit our views upon the
several propositions which seem to require action.

      1. We recommend that authority and the necessary
means, not to exceed $300.00 and the necessary traveling
expenses be granted to enable the President to employ a
suitable person to act in the way proposed by the President
for advancing the interests of the College, with the
public, and increasing the matriculation.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 15, 1897 - page 160-161

      2. The question of further action on the subject of
absentees from chapel service has been reported on by the
committee on the Minutes of the Faculty and therefore
requires no recommendation here.

      3. The report of the President says;

      " An appropriation for Electrical Engineering amounting
to $1000 was discussed and agreed to while the Board was in
session last June, but in the hurry of business before adjourn-
ment was not formally made. In as much as the Electrical
work was inaugurated in close connection with the Miechanical
Engineering, we thought it quite legitimate to borrow for
its equipment from the Mechanical Engineering appropriation"
In view of the explanation of the President we assent with
some reluctance to this diversion of a specific appropri-
ation and recommend that the sum of l(OO .00 be appropriated
to reimburse the Mechanical Engineering Department in
the sum thins diverted.

      4. We rather concur in the suggestion of the
President that " the time has come when we should drop the
name of a College and assume that of a University," and we
recommend that the proper steps be taken to effect the
change - the name to be The State University of

      The assimilation of the College, however, with other
institutions - Law and Medical - which are now and will
no doubt expect to continue, to a considerable extent,
distinct and independent of the College or University
as adverted to briefly by the President, is quite another
matter, in our opinion fraught with grave objections. It is
not necessary that it shall be acted upon at this time, and
we recommend that it shall be deferred. The establishment
of a Law Department strictly in the College requires in
our opinion more careful consideration than we can at
this meeting bestow upon it.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 15, 1897 -page 161-162

      5. We recommrend the organization of the Agricultural
Department with a Dean at its head.

      6 - In view of the establishment of a short course
in Agriculture we recommend that the course of popular lectures
in Agriculture be discontinued for the present.

      7 - We recommend that such an appropriation as the
President may deem necessary, not to exceed $150.00 be made
for suitably furnishing the President's room, in the new

      8. We recommend that the required bond be executed,
and the further necessary steps be taken promptly for obtaining
the 50 stands of rifles needed for arming and equipping the
increased number of cadets.

      9. Without expressing our opinion upon the importance
of the experiments which Professor Anderson proposes to
institute with reference to friction in bicycles, we are of
the opinion that the college cannot at this time afford the
required appropriation - $400.00 and we recommend that it
be deferred.

      10. The subject of the future necessities of the
Mechanical Engineering Department, introduced into Prof.
Anderson's report, requires more time and more specific
information than is now at the disposal of the Board.

      11. We concur in general terms in the proposition and
programme for dedicatory exercises in connection with the
opening of the Natural History Building, and we recommend
the appropriation of the sum of $150.00 to cover the


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 15, 1897 - page 162-163

      12. We recommend that the appropriation asked for
by the base-ball team be not allowed.

      13. We advise that the recommendation for the abolish-
ment of the Tattoo roll-call be rejected. The demands which
such regulations make upon the convenience of the student
have a higher object than merely to ascertain whether he is
in his quarters.

      14. We recommend that there shall be no abatement
or exception to the rule relative to the wearing of the
uniform. The uniform is not an expensive or unserviceable
dress in any event.

                                   D. C. Buell,
                                   Robt. Riddell,
                                   D. H. James,

      Proposition No. 1 of the foregoing report was adopted
by an aye and a no vote as follows;

      Aye - Gen. Buell, Flournoy, Gooding, Green, Hobson,
James, Kennedy, Patterson, Peak, Riddell, Spurr, and Todd
- 12.


      Proposition No. 2. required no action.

      Proposition No. 3 adopted as follows:

      Aye - Gen. Buell, Flournoy, Gooding, Green, Hobson,
James, Kennedy, Patterson, Peak, Riddell, Spurr, and Todd,
- 12.

No - - O


MINIqTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 15, 1897 - page 163-164

     On motion proposition No. 4, was adopted.

     On motion proposition No. 5, was adopted.

     On motion proposition No. 6, was adopted.

     Proposition No. 7, was adopted as follows:

     Aye - Gen. Buell Flournoy, Gooding, Green, Hobson,
James, Kennedy, Peak, Aiddell, Spurr, and Todd, - 11.

     No - - O

     President Patterson not voting.

     On motion proposition No. 8, was adopted.

     On motion proposition No. 9 was adopted.

     Proposition No 10 was concurred in by the Board.

     Proposition No. 11 was adopted as follows:

     Aye - Gen. Buell, Flournoy, Gooding, Green, Hobson,
James, Kennedy, Patterson, Peak, Riddell, Spurr, and Todd - 12.

No - - O


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 15, 1897 - page 164

      In connection with proposition 11, Mr. Gooding
pffered the following:

      Resolved, that it is the sense of the Board that the
speakers, in connection with the dedicatory exercises,
ought to be confined to Kentucky talent.


      On motion proposition No. 12, was adopted.

      On motion proposition No. 13, was adopted.

      On motion proposition No. 14 was adopted.

      The entire report of the Committee on the Presidents
report was then adopted by ayes and noes as follows:

      Aye - Gen. Buell, Flournoy, Gooding, Green, Hobson,
James, Kennedy, Patterson, Peak, Riddell, Spurr, and Todd,
- 12.

      No --O

      President Patterson offered the following:
Resolved: That the Executive Committee be authorized and
directed to execute the required bond to the War Department
for the 50 stands of rifles and equipments, needed by the
College, and that the Board execute through the chairman
and Secretary an indemnifying bond to the Executive



MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 15, 1897 - page 165

      Mr. Flournoy offered the following:

      Resolved: that in all cases coming under section or
rule No. 13, of the regulations the student, excused  from
drill, while teaching, be excused from wearing the

      Resolution lost on a rising vote.

      Mr. Peak read the following:

To the Board of Trustees, A. & M. College.

      We, your committee on Internal Expansion, beg leave
to report that, from the brief information we can obtain in
the limited time at our disposal, we find the recommendations
of a former Committee reported and adopted by the Board at
the June meeting 1897, have been complied with as

      The Secretary has given the notices as requested by
the Board in each and all of said recommendations from
l's to 16,th. inclusive, except 12, and 16, not acted
on by the Board.

      No.4l has been complied with.

      No. 2 has been complied with.

      No. 3 has so far as krof. Nelson is concerned has
been complied with.

      No. 4 has not been complied with from lack of room.

      No. 5, the work has not been done because it would
so darken the rooms adjacent as to render them almost useless.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.15, 1897 - page 165-166

     No 6 has been complied with so far as required.

     No. 7 fully complied with.

     No. 8 relates to the same matter as number 4.

     No. 9 complied with as far as the janitor is concerned,
but the other work cannot. be done in the building without
enlarging it.

      No. 11 complied with.

      No. 12, not acted on by the Board.

      No. 13, Captain Swigert informs us that he has granted
to students the privilege of leaves of absence in a few
instances in cases of necessity as he thought.

      No. 14, we are informed has been complied with.

      No. 15, has been complied with.

      No. 16, Not acted on by the Board.

         All of which is respectfully submitted,

         (Signed)                W. F. Peak,   Chairman
                                   Thomas Todd,
                                   E. H. Hobson,

Report received and approved.


MYINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec. 15,1897 - page 166-167

     Ordered that the Commandant be supplied with another
copy of that regulation requiring the authority be not
delegated to any cadet to grant leave of absence to
any other cadet.

     Mr. Gooding submitted the following:

        The Committee on the minutes of the faculty wpuld
respectfully report that we have taken the subject of Chapel
attendance under consideration and we recomrmend the adoption
of the following Resolution:

      1st. The Board is gratified to observe in the reports
the evidence of a more strict compliance than heretofore with
the regulation concerning chapel attendance; but there seems
still to remain some misapprehension which it is proper to
remove. With that object in view it is here repeated, that
attendance upon Chapel service is meant to be as obligatory
as any other prescribed function;

      The duties are so arranged as to give to each its
appointed time, and therefore no plea of some other college
requirement can be accepted as a justification for neglect
of this one. The only hinderance that is to be recognized
excepting one which rests on Special authorization is
sickness or some other private impediment which will
naturally appeal to the justice of the Board.

      The Plea of Professor Wernicke that the members of the
faculty should be allowed to judge of the reasons which shall
warrant their disregard of this or any other regulation of
the college is not approved.

      2nd. The rule adopted at the last meeting of the
Board relative to Chapel attendance is changed so as to
read as follows:

      Every case of absence from chapel service will be
reported by the Secretary of the Board to the President of
the College.

      The absentee will then be expected to present7The
President without prompting or suggestion the reason for his
absence, and at the next meeting of the Board the President
will report in detail all cases of such absence with the
reasons presented therefor by the several absentees


MINIUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,Dec. 15, 1897 - page 167-168

for the consideration and action of the Board.

     Your committee has also considered the recommendations
of the faculty for conferring the degree of Bachelor of
Pedagogy upon J. D. Turner, who failed to pass the examination
with his graduating class last June, bht has since passed the
required examination.

      As a rule adopted by the Board at the meeting in June
last applies to this case no unusual consideration seems
to be required, we recommend that in accordance with that
rule the degree be conferred.

                                    A. P. Gooding, Chairman
                                    W. F. Peak,
                                    D. C. Buell,

      The report was received and adopted, and the Secretary
was directed to communicate a copy, to each member of the
faculty of that part relating to chapel services.

      On motion ordered that the Board proceed to elect
a successor to Hon. Hart Boswell - resigned.

      President Patterson nominated Mr. Boswell to succeed
himself and to serve out his unexpired term.

      Mr. Boswell was then elected, by ballot, a member of
the Board of Trustees, to serve out the Unexpired term.

The Board adjourned to meet at 2 P. M.


MIIUES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 15, 1897 - page 168-169

     The Board met in the President's room at 2 P. M.

     Present:                    Mr. Gathright, Chairman
                                  Gen. Buell,
                                  Gen. Hobson,

      Judge Riddell, Mr. Spurr, and Todd came in a few
minutes later.

     Mr. Boswell was duly qualified by taking the oath of
office, and took his seat as a member of the Board of Trustees.

      On motion it was ordered that the Board proceed to
the election of an Executive Committee.

      On motion of Mr. Green ordered that a committee on
nominations be appointed.

      Chair appointed Mr. Green and Flournoy.

      The following names were presented by the Committee
on nominations, and were unanimously elected by ballot as
members of the Executive Committee.

                                   J. T. Gathright, Chairman
                                   Hart Boswell,
                                   J. B. Kennedy,
                                   Thos. Todd,
                                   A. P. Gooding.

Board of Control


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 15, 1897 - page 169-170

                                   Hart Boswell,
                                   J. B. Kennedy,
                                   A. P. Gooding,

                Elected by ballot.
                                   J. K. Patterson
                                   M. A. Scovell
                 Members ex-officio,

      Mr. Spurr submitted the following:

        We the committee on the Experiment Station beg leave
to say that the work of the Station is progressing as well
as could be expected at this season of the year.

      The work ordered by the Board at the June meeting
has been completed - We recommend that the rooms soon to be
vacated by Professors Matthews and Miller in the basement
of the Station building be turned over, for the use of
the Station when so vacted.

      The work that is now being done is along the following
lines: viz." Chemical investigations, Analysis of commercial
fertilizers, Tests of commercial fertilizers on soils in
different parts of the State. Entomological and Botanical
investigations. Tests of different varieties of field
crops, Dairy tests and Meteoroligical observations.

      We do not recommend any expenditures (additional)
as we think nome are necessary.

                        Respectfully submitted,

                                   Rich. A. Spurr,
                                   J. C. Flournoy,
                                   W. F. Peak,

Report received and approved.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 15,1897 - page 170-171

      The minutes of the classical faculty, and of the
Scientific faculty were read.

      Attention was called to the fact that the minutes
of the Mechanical Engineering faculty had not been submitted,
and that the Dean of the Normal Department had submitted a
brief report to the effect that he had been unable to get
a quorum of his faculty together.

      On motion of Gen. Buell, Ordered that Professor
Anderson be requested to submit his minutes and that Prof.
Roark be called upon to explain why he has been unable to
get a quorum.

      Prof. Anderson submitted the minutes of his faculty.

      Prof. Roark came before the Board and stated he had
appointed a time and place for his meetings, and that he
thought he notified the members of his faculty in the same
manner in which other Deans had given notice of their meetings,
but that no members of his faculty were present.

      Gen. Buell offered the following: viz.,

      That Prof. Roark be advised that in view of his
explanation the Board will take no further notice of his
case at this time.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec. 15, 1897 -page 171-172

     Judge Riddell read the following:

     To the Board of Trustees of the A. and M. College.

        The undersigned committee on finance would report
- that they have examined the books and accounts of Treasurer
and find that on December 1st, 1897, there was in his hands
to the credit of the College the
sum of                                        $9606.39
To the credit of the Station                   6782.05
Making a total of -     -     -      -      $16388 .4T

      We have examined the books of the Business Agent
and find ,hat the balance reported
of the College fund is                       $10024.11
Experiment Station Lund is                     6851.01
Making a total of   -    -    -     -   -    $16875.12

      The discrepancy between the amounts in the Treasurer's
hands and that reported by the Business Agent is explained
by the Business Agent as follows: Some checks given by him
have not yet been presented to the Treasurer. The Treasurer
has not taken account of the $50000 placed to the credit
of the Business Agent for current expenses.

      The amount paid on the " Natural History Building "
is not included in this report, nor are other payments
such as salaries of the Professors and others, but when
they are taken into account the fund will be exhausted.

      The amount realized from the State for the use of the
College was for the year 1896 $32429.32.

      The College has realized from the State for the year
1897, $4733.28 only, and assuming that the amount realized
in 1897, will be as great as that of 1896, there is yet
due to the College the sum of $27697.07 from the State.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES.,Dec. 15, 1897 -page 172

     The College or rather the experiment station is entitled
to receive under the Morrill Act of 1862   85-1/2 per cent
of $4950 making $4232.25 this with small amounts which are
received for rents, fees, etc. constitute the resources
of the college.

      There are unpaid of appropriations $40460.13, and at
the end of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1898, there will
be a deficit of about $9000.00.

      We recommend that no expenditures be made unless urgent1y
demanded by the necessities and interests of the college.

                       (Signed)   Robert Riddell,
                                   D. H. James,

      Report received and approved.

      The Business Agent then came before the Board and
explained in detail the differences between his records and
those of the Treasurer.

      The minutes of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty
were then read.

      Adjourned to meet May 31, at 1 P. M.

V. E. Muncy                        Wm. H. Holt,
   Secretary   -     -             Chm. Board of Trustees


Missing report(s)