be ia med Dean of the Colle ge of Home Ecornomics with the state ment that the
Search Committee had made a nationw-ide canvass of potential candidates and had
co Ilctuded that Dr. Xlar jorie S. Stewart, the Acting Dean of the College, wvas the
most able and sUitable candidate for the position. Dr. Sing.letarv concurred in
the recommnelndation and I)r. Stewart. wvho ,was present at the mecting, was initro-
dLec d.

       On motion bv _Mr. Bell. seconded by Mlr. Griffin, and passed. approval
was giveni to the appointment of Dr. MarJorie S. Stewart. Associate Professor
of Vocational Education. as Professor of Home Economics and Dean of the
College of Home Economics. effective immnediately. (See PR 10 at the end of
the Minutes. )

       0. Degree Candidates Approved (PR 11)

       After an explanation by President Singletary of the need for the Board of
Trustees to approve the list of persons who completed the requirements for their
degrees prior to approval by the University Senate, on motion by Professor Sears.
seconded by NIrs. Blazer. and passed, the President was authorized to confer
upon each individual whose name appears on the list attached to PR 11 the degree
to which he is entitled. upon certification by the Dean of Admnissions and Registrar
and approval by the University Senate that the individual has satisfactorily com-
pleted all requirements for the degree for which he has made application. (See
PR 11 at the end of the IMinutes. )

       P. Recommendations of Advisory Commniittee on Student Code Revision
Tranlsi-nitted to the Student Code Rev is ion Committee

       President Singletary announced that he had receiv ed front the Advisory
Committee on Student Code Revision 25 recomnmendations to be transmitted to
the Studeint Code Revision Committee with his owVnI recomnmendations. He said
that he w-as recomm-inending approval of 16 as presented. approval of five wvith
amendmednts. and disapproval of four of the original recommriendatiols.

       N;ir, Griffin. chairmnian of the committee. agreed to call the commlittee
together prior to the next mreeting of the Board so that a report could be made at
that time.

       Q. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

       The re being no0 clucstions. on motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded bv Nir.
Sturgill, and passed. the interim financial report for the five nmonths' period
eending NC)ove ber 30. 1972 wvas accepted and ordered made a matter of rec ord.
(See FCR I at the end of the Minutes. )

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