MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 13, 1905 Page 69 (contId)

     A communication from Dr. Palmer was presented to the Board
which, upon motion duly seconded and carried, was refered to the
Executive Committee with power to act.

                                                       Page 70
     It was moved by Mr. Ferguson that the President be directed
to formulatethat portion of his report which applies to the
needed legislation, and have It printed and placed in the hands
of members of the Legislature; and that the Executive Committee
be authorized to make Provision for its publication. The motion
was duly seconded put upon its passage, and carried.

     Col. Nelson offered the following resolution:
     Resolved that it is the earnest sense of this Board that
the intervening property between the present college grounds
and Patterson Hall should be ourchase and become the property
of the College; and that the same is an absolute necessity for
the properti future development of this institution; and that
the first available fund at the disposition of the College be
exoended for that purpose; and that the President be empowered
to confer with the proper parties for the purpose of securing
an option upon the property.  The ,notion was duly seconded and

     Upon motion, duly seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned
sine die.
                                      D. C. Frazee

                                                       Page 71
     Meeting of Board of Trustees of State A. & M. College, of
Kentucky, held in the President's room, Gymnasium Building,
Lexington, Ky., on June 5th, 1906 at 2:30 P. M.

     Present:- Messrs. D. F. Frazee, C. B. Terrell, Jas. K. Patter-
son, C. W. Metcalfe, C. B. Nicholas, Tibbis Oarpenter, B. * Brooks,