lines, I cannot say, but the burden is heavy and growing from year
to year. The home in which I live should be enlarged by another
room or two for the accomidation of my library which is now
scattered through four build ings. I have felt this want and in-
convenience for years, but have foreborne to ask relief hitherto,
feeling that other necessities were more urgent than mine.

     I respectfully recommend that all male students exempt from
military duties in the College, either by action of the Board
of Trustees or by the War Department, be formed into companies,
answer roll-call and march to chapel under the command of an offi-
cer of the Cadet Corps. While formed in companies for chapel,
they should be subject to the rules and maintain the discipline
required from those subject to military service.

     The question was repeatedly asked, while the legislation in*4
troduced by the College was fending before the last General
Assembly, why the State College did not take the name and discharge
the function of a University. The Assembly was evidently ready
and willing to consider favorably the change and by legislation
give effect to the transformation. I believe steps should be
taken looking in this direction a d that when the next General
Assembly convenes, the College should ask for the change.

     There are several reasons why this should be done.
     1st. All the States in the Union, with one or two exceptions,
have Universities, most of them liberally provided for by their
respective States.

     2nd. The State College of Kentucky is the only institution
in the State doing anything like University work.

     3rd.  It is owned and admi nistered exclusively by the State.

     4th.  The title and functions of a University would carry with
them a dignity and prestige which do not attach to a college.