` 36 THE CADET.  ’—%  
A   I lous, now) and pressed her soft, cool palm to my heated ii}
[ A brow, and gathering courage from the touch, I told her  
¥ how I loved her, and longed for her; told her in stumb-  
if ling, incoherent words that borrowed eloquence from my y 'V"r
  passion. Then I arose to receive my sentence. There  
E- was a moment’s silence and then, to my surprise, I heard ; _
; a little laugh, and her sweet voice said, softly: "Silly  
  V boy, why did you wait so long to tell me‘?" I did not  
    answer her; I only opened my arms in the blissful twi— °}
l I light and—I won’t say what happened then.
l " Donorrry DEAN.  
.· ‘ · srmne. l
i (rnoir THE omrrnny.)
Fair Spring, sweet messenger of summer joys, r
\Ve hail thee !—(Quick, my handkerchief. my dear.) I
Bright harbinger of kites, up—gazing boys, I
May’s smile, and April’s irridescent tear ! , t
, I All hail! All hail I We bow before thy train  
j Of———(Where’s the sun? Don’t tell me that is rain I)
· I _ Beneath thy rosy feet the iiowers blow
, Thei1· fragrant breath, while southern zephyrs tune
The air—(My dear, I’m catching cold, I know; I
Pray shut that window.)—to sweet songs of June ;
· `While birds’ delighful warblings from above- ·
(\Vhat is the matter with the furnace, love?)
» These joys of thine, sweet springtime, till the breast
\Vith gladest ecstasy and bliss divine ! r
I From valley, hill, and distant mountain crest
The air pours like a draught of un-iced wine,
As warm, yet sparkling; from the balmy glen-
. (At-chew-wl Oh, must I, must I sneeze again?)