Etki gram MW; ‘42,) URGENT-
Pubnshed Monthly by the Contact Your Legislator Nowu
famgton gag/Isafitan 5mm:
0 t it n Right wing extremists are calling and writing

P O Box 1147113Lexin [on KY 40575 state legislators to pass a constitutional

’ ' Editors-g ’ amendment to undo the Wasson Supreme
ff dK.‘ . S ‘h Court case which guarantees the right of
Je Jones an “sun m“ privacy and equal protection to Kentuckians
GLSO Annual Dues ‘ $10-00 regardless of their sexual orientation.

Dues for Couples — $15.00 Legislators need to hear from the
- Newsletter Only - $5.00 majority of Kentuckians who don’t want their
m privacy rights taken away. Call 1-800-372-
333335335‘3111mffgig‘, 3:3 7181 and leave a message for one or more
mg: firm-g“ “Ag-ggjftofit-jjhg‘j: :51: legislators. Write to: Legislative Offices,

to TLTLMHZZZTZ‘IAL 3:1: 2:: :3" fig: Capital Annex, Frankfort, KY 40601.
2: we. . gum "1...; gamma, m . min."- When you call, you will be asked for
"KW “Mm" (a... 7 your name, address and phone number as
‘ \-\_ ~‘9 ;; f ' well as your message. Your message can be
. _ a simple, “I support the Supreme Court

Lesbians' Kids Do Just Fine Wasson case on privacy” or “I’m opposed to
A study of 37 San Francisco area children with a constitutional amendment that violates
openly lesbian parents finds that they were no Kentuckians’ right to privacy as decided in
more likely to have difficulties with social skills the Wasson case."
or sexual identity than children of openly Do not leave a message for all
heterosexual parents. Dr. Charlotte Patterson representatives and senators. Those messages
Of the Uan. Of Virginia directed the study and are placed on a large bulletin board and
says that it suggests the quality 0t parenting is seldom read by legislators. Messages for
important, not the sexual orientation of the specific legislators go to their desks.
parents. Most of the children were conceived Calls and letters have a [rgmendous
by artificial insemination. An estimated 5-10 impact! Call and write and get your friends
million children in the US. have lesbian or gay and neighbors to do so as well'
parents and were conceived in earlier Some Key Legislators (to call as well as
heterosexual relationships.

. . your local Rep./ Sen.)

There are some notable dlfferences 1n -Pete Worthington (Ewing)- House Leadershi
children raised by lesbians and by a strayt -Gre Stumbo (Prestonsbur ), Housg
couple. Lesbians’ children seem to experience L ea d§ r shi g '
more stress as shown by episodes of insomnia, D 'd Kap (L . ill ). 3 Le d h‘
anxiety and anger. But, they also show a ' av1 rem oursv .6 ' enate a ers 1p
greater sense of well-being and adjustment. ~Leonard Gray (Lou1sv111e): House Elections/

Other child psychologists have Const.Arnendme_nts
applauded the study but point out that children "Ed Ford (Cynthiana): Senate St' GOV' Cmt.
living in relatively liberal San Francisco may James Bruce (Hopkmsvrlle): House Elections/
not face the same stresses as children living in Const.Amendments _ .
more homophobic areas. Later studies on the (PIQthed by the Kentucky Falrness A1113“??-
children once they are in adolescence are This announcement W111 run regularly Wlth
planned. different key legislators.)