vacancies presently existing on them:

           Finance Committee -- Mr. George Griffin and Dr. N. N.
                Nicholas (Po replace Dr. Harry Denham and Mr. William
                R. Black). Mr. Hillenmeyer named chairman.

           Medical Center Committee -- Mr. Jesse M. Alverson (added
                to present committee)

           Governing Regulations -- Professor Paul G. Sears (to replace
                Professor Paul Oberst) and named Chairman.

       E. President's Report to the Trustees

       President Singletary indicated that since a copy of his monthly report on
University activities was in each member's folder, he did not feel it necessary to
summarize the report but would be happy to answer questions.

       There being no questions, Governor Nunn accepted the report, recommended
later reading of it by the members of the Board, and ordered the report filed.

       F. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       The recommendations for staff changes, President Singletary reported, were
routine in nature except for two retirements which he thought should be noted --
Miss Chloe Gifford and Dr. Harold E. Wetzel -- who between them had given a
total of 55 years to the University of Kentucky. He recommended approval of PR 2
as a whole.

       Noting the loyalty and devotion of these two individuals recommended for
retirement, motion was made by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Milner, and carried
to approve PR 2 as a whole. (See PR ? at the end of the Minutes. )

       G. Institute for Planning and Administration Established (PR 4)

       Recognizing that the most effective use of resources could be made through
the merger of two presently established Institutes, the Institute for Environmental
Studies and the Institute for Public Administration, on motion duly made, seconded,
and carried, the Board authorized the combining of the Institute for Environmental
Studies and the Institute for Public Administration into a new unit to be known as the
Institute for Planning and Administration to become effective with the appointment
of a Director. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )