xt7wpz51gv7h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wpz51gv7h/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1921 Title from cover.
Imprint varies. journals English Frankfort, Ky. : Capital Office, E. Polk Johnson, 1890-1948. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Annual report. 1921 text Annual report. 1921 1921 2011 true xt7wpz51gv7h section xt7wpz51gv7h TI—lIRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT
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I Agricultural Experiment
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I Lexington, Ky.
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Report of the Director I
IVIeteoroIogicaI Observations

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. T0 His Ercellciizcy, Han. Edwm P; Morrow, Governor 0f Ken-
tucky: ,
Sin :—Under the authority of the Board of Control of the
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, and in accordance
with an act of Congress, approved March 2, 1887, entitled, "A11
Act to establish Agricultural Experiment Stations in connec-
tion with t~he Agricultural Colleges established in the several
states under the provision of an act approved July 2, 1862, and
under the acts supplementary thereto," and of the act of the
Legislature of the State of Kentucky, approved February 20,
1888, entitled, "An Act to accept the provisions of an act pass-
ed by the Congress of the United States, approved March 2,
1887, for the establishment and maintenance of Agricultural
Experiment Stations in connection with Agricultural Colleges
established by the several states and territories under ani act
of Congress approved July 2, 1862," I herewith submit the
Thirty-Fourth Annual Report of the Kentucky Agricultural
Experiment Station.
Very respectfully,
January 1, 1922. i

 V C   - ·-.,..—.-._....-.. . ·~ .,
iigga     ,
t , l Lexington, Ky.- ,
l .
: ._..
Board of Trustees.
Hon. Edwin P. Morrow, Governor, Chairman, ex 0]Ti0i0.
George Colvin, Superintendent of Public Instruction, ex 0§`*ici0.
KV. C. Hanna, Connnissioner of Agriculture, em officio.
T. L. Hornsby, Eminence, Henry County.
H. M. Froinan, Lexington, Fayette County.
` ’ J. R. Rash, Henderson, Henderson County. _
Richard P. Ernst, Covington, Kenton County.
Robert G. Gordon, Louisville, Jefferson County.
Richard C. Stoll, Lexington, Fayette County.
" . Rainey T. \Vells, Murray, Calloway County.
` James XV. Turner, Paintsville, Johnson County.
i Frank McKee, Versailles, XVoodford County.
  \V. H. Grady, Louisville, Jefferson County.
} J. I. Lyle, 39 Cortlandt St., New York, N. Y.
P. P. Johnston, Jr., Lexington, Fayette County. I

 ExFsFuMsNT Srmrow STAFF
Richard C. Stoll, Chairman, Lexington, Ky.
P. Preston Johnston, Lexington, Ky.
Richard P. Ernst, Covington, Ky_
R, G. Gordon, Louisville, Ky, ,
Rainey T._ Wells, Murray, Ky.
Frank L. McVey, President Thomas P. Cooper, Dean and Director
T. P. Cooper, Director H. Garman, Head
D. H. Peak, Business Agent Mary L. Didlake, Asst.
O. L. Ginocchio, Secretary H. H. Jewett, Research Asst. Ent.
Carrie Lee Hathaway, Seed Analyst
Marie Jackson, Seed Analyst
'0_ AGRONOMY J. S. Yankey, Jr., Seed Inspector
G°°*geKR°be"”·AH‘°{e°A 1*ARM ECONOMICS
E. J. inney, ss . gron. `
P. E. Karraker, Asst. Agron. .
S. C. Jones, Supt. Exp. Fields W· D· N1ch011S· Head
W_ D_ V8_ueau_ Plant PathOl_ O.   Jesness, Chief, Sec., Markets
J. B. Kelley, Agricultuxzxl Engineer   (B; \Y;'€f;‘§;g;];ls*`*S;grMi';:]<;‘;%;5cS
lW:tna·G. Card, ’Asst.,· Marketing l
E S G d Cl i *.T. C. Melvin
_ . oo, ia rman
J. J. Hooper, Dairy Husbandry
W. S. Anderson, Horses Sh FEED CONTROL
L. J. Horlacher, Beef Cattle, eep
E. J. wnroru, Swine, Meats   D]j_Tg’,§`,;‘;’,Té Péeegmist
Y-  L}/}g;g:· Ilejiilgtgséttle XV. G. Terrell, Inspector `
J:   Nutty: Dairyman Eugene L. Jackson, Veg. Histologist
‘ Amanda Harms, Asst. Path. Bact. R Z
W. W, Dimock, Head, Vet. Science
A. J. Steiner, Asst. Vet. H- E· C¥“`US· Head . .
A G_ L_ HO&ft_ ASSL R. II_ Ritlgell, Chemist
Ethe1M_ Snyder, Lab. Assn H3.YI'Y Allen, ASSlST.8.Ilt Chemist
- Roger W. Jones, Inspector
A' M" Pete'? Head C W Mathews Head
S. D. Averitt, Chemist A' J °Om€y Aést
O. M. Shedd, Chemist ' ’ ' '
G.  1`Buckner, Chemist
J. . IcHargue, Chemist LI E VI E LABORATORY
\V. D. Iler, Asst. Chemist PUB C S R C
D. J. Healy, Bacteriologist L. A. Browni) Head 1
· E. J. Gott, Jacterio ogist.
. J. B_ Nelson, Asst. Bact.
P. E_ Bacon, Inspector, in Charge John Gnuh, Asst. Chemist
Jack M. Dorr, Inspector C. G. Fuss, Asst. Chemist
'Assigned by U. S. Dept_ of Agriculture.

 E, .   i l
‘¤· ;
` In Account with the United States Appropriation, 1920-21:
' Hatch Adams
T Fund Fund
  Receipts from the Treasurer of the
l United States, as per appropria- ~
T tions for fiscal year ended June
30, 1921, under acts of Congress
approved March 2, 1887 (Hatch
Fund), and March 16, 1906
(Adams Fund) ...,.....,..........,.. - i....,.............. $15,000.00 $15,000.00
By salaries .,......................................,...................,..... $14,975.00 $14,612.34;
i Labor .................................................,,.....................
, Publications ......... . ....,.......................,..................
A Postage and stationery ..............................
Freight and express ............................,.......
Heat, light, water and power ...............
Chemicals and laboratory supplies 21.54
f Seeds, plants and sundry supplies 1.96
{ Fertilizers ......................................... , .... . .............
i Feeding stuffs .........,......................................... 25.00 202.00
  Library ..............,................,.....................................
4 Tools, machinery and appliaueess.
_ Furniture and fixtures ............... . .... 4 ........ V
6 Seientiiie apparatus and specimens
I Live stock ................................................,.............. 160.00
Traveling expenses ..................................,   2.16
Contingent expenses ....................................
Buildings and land .......................................
i Balance ........l...................l........................................ ‘
Total ..................................................................... $15,000.00 $15,000.00

 . We, the undersigned, duly appointed Auditors of the Cor-
poration, do hereby certify that we have examined the books i
and accounts of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tion for the tiscal year ended June 30, 1921; that we have
found the same well kept and classified as above; that the
balance brought forward from the preceding year was noth-
ing on the Hatch Fund and nothing on the Adams Fund; that
the receipts for the year from the Treasurer of the United
States were $15,000.00 under the act of (`ongress of March 2,
1887, and $15,000.00 under the act ot (`ongress of March 16,
1906, and the corresponding disbursements $15,000.00 and $15,-
000.00; for all of which proper vouchers are on tile and have
been by us examined and found correct, leaving balances of
nothing and nothing.
And we further certify that the expenditures have l)O(‘l1
solely for the purposes set forth in the acts ot l_'ongress ap-
proved Mareh 2, 1887, and March 16. 1906, and in accordance
with the terms of said acts, respectively.
Signed: I1. M. Froman, `
P. P. Johnston. Jr.,
Attcst; Teresa Buehignani,

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   il'? i
of the
For the Year 1921
The demands upon the Experiment Station have greatly
increased during the past year as evidenced in many ways and
particularly by the increased number of requests for specific
information and for bulletins. Frequently these requests have
arisen through the pressure of new problems, and in meeting
them the Experiment Station has been taxed to the utmost in
the use of its men, buildings and equipment. In many in-
stances, it has been found impossible to enter upon promising
' lines of investigation because of insufficient funds and equip-
ment. The effect of this inability will inevitably be reflected
in the progress of farming in the state, for in many lines of
. farm endeavor, progress halts for lack of information or farm-
ers suffer heavy losses in attempting individually to meet their
Agricultural extension work undoubtedly has been rc-
sponsiblc for a part of the increased demands upon thc Ex-
periment Station. Also as farmers become interested in the
possibilities of improving their income through better opera-
tion of land a11d livestock, they find many problems in which
they need help. Some of the questions that arise are old and
easily answered. In others, new problems become apparent
and require careful and extensive investigation. The intro-
duction of new crops, the use of improved methods in the feed-
ing of livestock, the revision of methods of rational and per-

 `K; 2
. 12 Thirty-Fourth Amzzzal Report
manent soil building, bring to farmers an early recognition of
the fact that the only institution in a position to help in the _
study of the essentials of these problems is the Experiment
, . Station. Its usefulness to them is largely dependent upon its
forwardness in anticipating the agricultural problems that will
T require solution. Similarly the livestock farmer and the veter-
t - inarian are largely dependent upon,the Experiment Station for
careful and det·ailed diagnosis and treatment of new epidemics
p and diseases. As an illustration, the veterinarians of the Ex-
  periment Station, during the year, located three herds in-
i fected with the fatal Johnc’s disease, a disease reported to be
E common in the Jersey Isles, but unfamiliar to the breeders in
this country. Prompt diagnosis and advice as to preventive
treatment have probably resulted in saving the owner a large
part of a valuable herd. Similar examples of the practical ap-
plication of the scientific work of the Experiment Station may
be cited in every Held of agriculture. The only limit to the as-
sistance that may be given agriculture in the state is the limit
, of the support given to the Experiment Station.
, The present support of the Experiment Station is entirely
inadequate to enable it to meet even the more pressing prob-
lems. The area of farm lands owned by the Experiment Sta-
tion should be increased to at least six hundred acres. liittle
f additional progress may be made in the conduct of soil and
, crop experimental work at the Kentucky Experiment Station
  until more land is available.
  During the past year, the more pressing needs of new in-
vestigations in the state have been '-analyzed. The following
; problems are state-wide or almost so but may not be fully un-
, dertakcn or are awaiting action until added support is avail-
v able.
1. Investigation of the method of control of diseases affect-
ing tobacco and corn.
` 2. Investigation to develop more economic methods of ap-
plying the principles and practices of soil building.
3. A detailed soil survey of all important agricultural coun-
ties. —

 Kentuclty A.grio~uZt·ural Eacperimerzt Station 13*
IB _ 4. Methods of organizing farms for greatest profit. Studies
It of tl1e cost of producing all classes of farm products.
ts 5. Investigation of cause and method of control of abortion,
Vu particularly in cattle and swi11e.
1._ 6. Investigation of cause and control of sterility and barren-
31. ness of stallions and mares;
CS 7. A determina·tion of the cost of marketing farm products.
X_ 8. The method of organization of successful cooperative en-
Vu_ _ terprises.
be 9. The conduct of an animal egg-laying contest for the pur-
iu pose of ascertaining prolific strains of various breeds of
VG fowls.
gc 10. The OpCl'tlll0ll and establishment of additional soil fields
iP_ and an experi1ne11tal substation.
ay Consideration of the needs of tl1e Experimentl Station
  should proceed upon tl1e premises that {lll appropriation to ther
nit Experiment Station is not 2111 expenditure but an investment
t»hat brings constantly increasing returns to tl1e farmers and
qlv citizens of the state. For example. the average annual ex-
  penditure for soil fCl.’l1lll}' ·ll1)V(‘SllQ`2lll<)1lS is approximately-
dm- $13,000. I As a result of t·l1e influence of o11e expernnent field
HO &ll1(l tl1e information it gave upon methods of S0ll·l)llll(l1I'1jg', one
1 county that had not previously used limestone. 111 a period of
tm tl1ree years limed 7000 acres. lf this lime was used without
Km phosphate, the increase in crop yields for a period of 4 years,
based 11pon tl1e results obtained 011 tl1e experiment field, would 1
lll‘ — have been worth, upon very conservative estimate, $84,000
lll? above tl1e cost of tl1e limestone.
ull- lt is not known how nnich ot the limed land was also treat-
ml- `ed with phosphate, but if tl1e entire acreage had been so treat-
ed. tl1e val11e of tl1e increase i11 crops over the cost of the lime-
<"ll‘ stone Hll(l ])llOS]}ll2`tl'(‘ would ll2lV(‘ been, npon conservative esti-
mate, $154,000 for a -L-year period. as nineh as tl1e soil fertility
?lll’ investigations as a \\`ll1'1l(‘ have cost the state for twelve years.
The1·e is no means of estimating aeenrately the acreage of
mn- farm land in the state that is being treated according to the
i findings 2lll(l reeoinniedations of the lixperinient Station. It is-

 1 A   1 A
14 Tlzirtey-Fourth A·mz.ual Report
known, however, that the acreage is large and that following
the recommendations has given an increased wealth produc-
. tion. Approximately two-thirds ot the area of the state devot-
ed to staple crops requires, for best results, the lime and phos-
phate treatment. recommended by the Experiment Station.
This acreage if treated according to the findings will return ,
annually a net profit above the cost of treatment of twenty
, million dollars or an average of almost $75.00 for each farm in
l the state. On the basis ot present appropriations. assuming
4 . . 4 '
{ that iarm values carry about one-halt the taxes ot the state,
i each farm is taxed about ten cents annually for the Experi-
ment Station.
Legislation Required. An amended pure seed act should
be passed that will give greater enforcement authority and
carry an appropriation tor its administration. The present
seed law is detective in that it does not provide funds for ad-
, ministration and in instances is not; tully enforceable.
The nursery inspection act also is inadequately financed.
An appropriation should be made that will enable a tull service
to the nurserymen and farmers. Under present conditions, it
A is an additional financial burden to the Experiment Station.
t New Projects. The following projects have been initiated
¤ during the year: i
Y The pathology and bacteriology ot the reproductive or-
. . . · . .
gans of the mare and their relation to sterility.
` C3 ·
_ Breeding experiments to determine the behavior in inherit-
· ance ot certain unit characters.
llelation ot chemical characters to quality in leaf tobacco.
‘ The preparation of a dependable intusion tor spraying
from leati tobacco or waste.
lnvestigations relating to the establishment ol` standard
grades ot tobacco. (ln cooperation with the Bureau of Mar-
‘ kets. V. 9. Dep. i\griculturei.

 Kentucky AgricuZtu·raZ Expcrimeizt Station 15
Potato Experiments:
1. To develop a method of producing disease-free
potato seed and increase of such seed for dis-
tribution to potato growers.
2. To determine the relative merits of strains of po·
' tatoes of a given variety after the disease fae-
5 I tors have` been eliminated a11d to determine
B sources from which the high yielding strains
I may be obtained.
i 3. To determine the relative merits of northern vs.
" southern grown seed.
` The projects in progress now number some sixty or more
and cover a wide range of study and investigation.
d Changes in Staff. The personnel of the several depart-
tl 111C11tS, other than clerical assistants, is given on page T of this
it report. The appointments and resignations during the year
l· have been as follows:
Appointments :
d` L. P. Benjamin, assistant bacteriologist, public service
  laboratories. April 25, 1921.
l' L, A. Brown, head of the department of public service
laboratories. May 1, 1921. Dr. Brown was for-
Cd V inerly special analytical chemist in this depart-
C. G. Fuss, assistant chemist, public service laborator- ,
yy- ies. June 11, 1921.
John Gaub, assistant chemist, public service laborator-
_ ies. June 15, 1921.
sco. XV. C. Pierce, assistant chemist. Septeinber 1, 1921.
R. H. Milton, farm snperintendent. l‘ll‘lll'llill'}' 1. 1921.
PI‘iZeS, Fair Exhibits. The i'ollowing preniiinns were
awarded to the live stoek exhibited by the Expe1·im<·nt Station
md at the State Fair and the International Live Stock Exposi-
[211* tion:

   . X
A · 16 Tlni1·ty-Fourth Amzuail Report
Beef Cattle: . F
Steer classes—Shorthorns, senior yearling lst Y
i junior yearling lst 2
Henefords, junior yearling 2d and 4th U
Aberdeen-Angi1s,ju1il€or· yearling 4th
` junior calves lst, 2d and 3d
herd of three 2d
Grade and crossbreeds, junior yearling, lst and 3d b
g Champion grade or cross-bred steer, The Senator, a Hereford- U
{ Angus crossbreed 6
l .Sheep: 3
Southdown ewe lambs, pen of 3-—lst b
Southdown ewe lamb —lsI; and 2d
Cheviot yearling ewe —3d Zi
·Shropshire yearling ewe ——lst Ky. class, 5th open class g
Hampshire ram -2d Ky. bred, 2d open class P
r ;Beef Cattle: p
1 Steer class-·Shorthorn, senior yearling, Sth
:Swlnc: —
Barrow classes—Berkshire, junior yearling 3d and 4th D
_ senior pigs 2d and (Sth IE
junior pigs 3d and (Sth I
V Pen of 3, junior yearlings, lst
i Pen of 3, senior pigs 2nd 2
e Pen of 3, junior pigs 3d
? Get of sire, 5 barrows, any age, 2d and 7th
‘ 2
_ Sheep:
G Hampshire yearli-ng wether—lst and 5th
’ Hampshire wether lamb——4th 2
` Hampshire wether lambs, pen of 3, 3d
Hlampshire wether —(`hampion of the Show
Hampshire yearling ram -5th _ 2
‘ Pen 3 wether lambs, mutton improvement—3d
`Pcultry. At thc Chicago Coliseum Show, sccond premium
was WO11 Oll a Plymouth Rock pullci, utility class. The follow-
ing premiums were awarded poultry cxhihitcrl at the Cincinnati
¤ .

 Kentucky Agricu,Ztu0·uZ Experinzent Station 17
Poultry Show: 1Vhite Leghorn hen, 4th, pullet, 5th; 1Vhite
Plymouth Rock pullets, lst and 4th; coekerel, 2d; Ancona cock,
2d; VVhite 1Vyand0tte cock, 4th; Rhode 1sland Red pullet, lst,
utility class.
Dairy Cattle. Valentine ’s Ashburn Baronet, 100041, bred
by the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and sold
d_ to J. M. Dickson and Son, Shedd, Oregon, was recently award-
ed a gold medal by the American Jersey Cattle Club, because
of the excellence of the heifers sired by him. Only fourteen
Jersey bulls have been awarded such an honor and of this num-
ber, Valentines Ashburn Baronet is the only one ever bred by
an Agricultural College or lixperiment Station. This bull is a
s grandson of Dollie’s Valentine, the foundation cow of the Ex-
periment Station herd. The average production of his 16 test-
ed daughters is 8222 pounds of milk and 470 pounds of butter
fat. His three highest daughters produced an average of 739
pounds of butter fat.
Publications. A list of the publications of the Experi-
ment Station for the year follows:
Bulletins: .
231. The Relation of the Kentucky Species of Solidago to the
Period of Activity of Adult Cyllene robiniac. H. Gar- .
inan. March, 1921.
232. Soybeans. E. J. Kinney and George Roberts. May,
233. A comparison of Corn Silage and Sorghum Silage For
Fattening Steers. E. S. Good, Ii. J. Horlacher and J. C.
Grimes. July, 1921.
234. Studies ot` Dairy Cattle.
1. Inheritance of Color Markings in Jersey Cattle.
2. lntluenee of Oestrum on Production of Milk and
um Butter Fat.
Owl .   Tntluenee of Age and Pregnancy on Production oi
will Milk and Rutter Fat.

 `Fig   i
`Q-   ,
18 Tlzirty-Fomtlz. Annual Report
4. The Escutcheon in Relation to Production of Milk S
and Butter Fat.
_ 5. The Body Seeretions in Relation to Production of
Milk and Butter Fat.
i J. J. Hooper. July, 1921.
A 235. Commercial Feeding Stuffs. J. D. Turner, H. D. Spears
and E. L. Jackson. September, 1921.
Z 236. A Comparison of the Calcium Content of Some Virgin
l and Cultivated Soils of Kentucky by an Improved
i Method for the Esrtiimatiion of this Element. O. M.
Y Shedd. October, 1921.
237. The Removal of Mineral Plant-Food by Natural Drain-
age \Vaters. J. S. MeHargue and A. M. Peter. Novem-
ber, 1921.
238. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. H. E. Curtis, R. H.
Ridgell and H. R. Allen. December, 1921.
175. (Third Edition, revised) Growing and Fattening Hogs
A in the Dry Lot and on Forage Crops. E. S. Good. June,
v 1921.
Circulars :
_ 25. A Destructive Bud-V\'orm of Apple Trees (Haploa
Q leeontei). H. Garman. June, 1921.
  26. A Comparison ot Broken Ear Corn and Shelled Corn,
  Fed with Silage, for Fattening Steers. E. S. Good and
( L. J. Horlaeher. October, 1921.
Q 27. The Strawberry (`rown-Borer (Tyloderma fragariae). H.
, Garman. October, 1921.
Thirty-'l`hird Annual Report of the Experiment Station
' —192(). Thomas P. Cooper.
(`lieniieal Analyses of the Soils of Logan County, Ken·
tueky. S. D. Averit~t and A. M. Peter. (Field opera-
tions ot the Bureau ot Soils. Soil Survey of Logan
_ County, Kentucky). ln press.

 Kentucky Agrieultzirut E.1vpm·i·nzcni Station 19
1: Scientific Papers (In print):
f Sonic neglected setae of lepidopterous larvae. H. Gar-
) nian. Annals of the Entomological Society of Ameri-
ca. Vol. xiv. No. 2. June, 1921.
A short test for easily soluble phosphate in soils. O. M.
YS Sheclcl. Soil Science, vol. xi, No. 2. February, 1921.
Coinparative utilization of the mineral constituents in the
in cotyletlons of bean seedlings grown in soil and in (lis-
ed tilleil water. G. Davis Buckner. Journ. Agr`1 Rc-
11. search. Vol. xx, No. 11. March, 1921.
Sonic points oi? interest conreerning the cocklebur and its
iu, . seeds. J. S. Alcllargue, Ecology. Vol. ii, No. 2.
m__ April, 1921.
The tolerance of hogs for arsenic. D. J. Healy and W.
H. XV. Dinioek. Ky. Acacleniy ot Science, May 14, 1921.
Abstract in Science. N. S., Yol. 54, No. 12199, Aug. 1.9,
__ 1921.
)gS The hydrogen ion concentration ol’ horse semen. YV. S.
H€’ Anmlerson, A. Al, Peter antl D. J. Healy. Journ. Anieri-
can Veterinary Metlieal Association. Vol. lx, N. S.
Vol. 13, No. 3. Deeeniiber, 1921. Read at· the annual
meeting in Denver. ('olorado.
103 Progress in horse breeding. `\V. S. Autlerson. Journal
. Heretlity. March. 1921.
>rn, (`ottonseewl nieal, tankage and lnitterniilk as souri·es ol’
and protein for laying hens. J H. Martin. Journ. Ameri- i
can Association of lnstructors anil lnvestigators in
H_ 1’oultry Hushanrlry. February, 1921.
Grain and SO1l1'Sl{l111—1111ll{ as a laying ration. J. ll.1Iar-
tin. l)t>1llll'}' S('l(‘lll‘(". Vol. 1. No. 2. Dee.-Jati. 1921-22.
The control of infectious abortion in mares. E. S. (lootl.
tion Veterinary Medicine. August, 1921.
A study ot’ some ot` l{(‘lli1It'l(}` `s most pr<·pot~<·111 Heretorrl
{en- bulls. XV. J. Harris. Brcedcrs’ Gazette. Septi=in1»··i·
iera- 8, 1.921. , V
wgan Groiyth of calves. J. J. Hooper. Journ. Heretlity. \ ol.
V x11. No. 7. August-Septt-inber. 1921.

 -2% l 1 i
20 T/iirty-F0it2·tl1. Annual Report
Resistance as a basis of control of corn rooti-rot. VV. D.
Valleau. Abstract in Phytopathology. Vol. ii, No. _
1. January, 1921. _
· Selection of disease-free seed and seed treatments as pos-
T sible means of control of cor11 root-rot. XV. D. Val-
- leau. Abstract in Phytopathology. Vol. ii, N0. 1.
. January, 1921.
Borie acid for fixing H1111110111&l i11 nitrogen determina-
tions in feeding stuffs. Howell D. Spears. Journ. A.
i O. A. C., Vol. v, No. 1. August, 1921.
  The following papers have bee11 prepared this year, but
have not yet appeared i11 print:
The Clark hydrogen electrode vessel and soil measure-
ments. D. J. Healy and P. E. Karraker. Accepted
by Soil Seie11ce.
A rapid method for the analysis of dolomite and magne-
Sltlll limestone. S. D. Averitit. Sent to Journal of
1 Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.
The effect of certain calcium compounds on the yield and
calcium content of certain crops. O. M. Shedd. Ac-
cepted by Soil Science.
Some troubles of the publications committee. A. M.
5 Peter. Prepared for the New Orleans convention of
g the Associatioii of Land-(;lrant Colleges. 1921.
T (`aleinm in egg—shell formation. G. D. Buckner, -1. H.
; Martin, XV. C`. Pierce and A. M. Peter. Prepared for
V the a1111ual meeting of tl1e Federation of American
Societies for lixperimental Biology, New Haven, Con-
nect-ieut, December 28-30, and tl1e Journal of Biologi-
cal Chemistry.
The role of manganese in soils and plants. .1. S. McHar-
gue. Thesis for his doetor`s degree at Cornell Univer-
` A

 Kentucky Agricultuml E.tperz`ment Station 21
V. D.
N0_ The function of grit in the gizzard of the chicken. G.
D D. Buckner and J. H. Martin. Accepted by Poultry
  Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus metabolism in
0 l` the laying hen. G. D. Buckner, J. H. Martin, VV. C.
' ' Pierce and A. M. Peter. (Research bulletin).
_ Breeding experiments with mountain ewes. L. J. Hor—
mmf lacher. Read at meeting of Association of Southern
1* A' Agricultural XVorkers, February, 1921.
Hogging down corn and soybeans. E. S. Good. Read
but at meeting of Association of Southern Agricultural
i \Vorkers. February, 1921.
The effect on germ plasm due to isolation in mountain
SUN- sections. VV. S. Anderson. Read at Second Interna—