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46 . Bulletin 232
The oats side of the seed cups should be used for planting
soybeans. In drilling solid the drill is set to sow 10 peeks of
Haberlandt or other large—seeded sorts, 5 peeks of Lexington,
P Virginia or varieties with seed of medium size and 3 peeks for
the very small-seeded varieties such as Peking. When sowing A
in rows the drill should be iset to sow as heavily as possible .
when sowing large seed; at about 12 peeks for medium sized »
seed, and at about 6 peeks for small seed.
Drills are not always accurate, and it is best to test the
drill for the kind of seed to be sown. Set the drill at the
figure regarded as approximately correct and drill a short dis-
tance, allowing the seeds to fall on the surface of the ground. 1
About 6 to S seeds per foot should be sown and the drill should
bc adjusted if necessary to sow at this rate.
The unused runs can be stopped with paper or pieces of »
burlap sack. A better way, however, is to fit small pieces of
4 board over the runs.
Soybean seed gcrminates at about the same temperature as
eor11 but like corn the germination and subsequent growth are
‘·  slow in cool weather, thus giving weeds a good opportunity to ‘
` gain a foothold before cultivation is possible. With corn this _
l is not such a serious matter for the character of the corn plant
  and the manner of planting permit throwing enuf earth around
T the plants to cover up small weeds. Soybean plants, however,
j form leaves near the ground and it is not possible to cover up -
` weeds in the rows effectively without injuring the young plants.
‘ When the weather and soil are warm, soybeans come up very
quickly, and grow so fast that a thick stand of plants prevents
many weeds starting in the rows; obviously, then, seeding  ·
should be deferred until the weather is warm and settled. Per- I
1 haps the best time for planting soybeans in Kentucky is about
10 days later than the time for planting corn; or in most
seasons from May 1 in the southern part of the state, to May I
20 in the northern part. Generally, too, planting at this time -