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14 Tlzirtey-Fourth A·mz.ual Report
known, however, that the acreage is large and that following
the recommendations has given an increased wealth produc-
. tion. Approximately two-thirds ot the area of the state devot-
ed to staple crops requires, for best results, the lime and phos-
phate treatment. recommended by the Experiment Station.
This acreage if treated according to the findings will return ,
annually a net profit above the cost of treatment of twenty
, million dollars or an average of almost $75.00 for each farm in
l the state. On the basis ot present appropriations. assuming
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{ that iarm values carry about one-halt the taxes ot the state,
i each farm is taxed about ten cents annually for the Experi-
ment Station.
Legislation Required. An amended pure seed act should
be passed that will give greater enforcement authority and
carry an appropriation tor its administration. The present
seed law is detective in that it does not provide funds for ad-
, ministration and in instances is not; tully enforceable.
The nursery inspection act also is inadequately financed.
An appropriation should be made that will enable a tull service
to the nurserymen and farmers. Under present conditions, it
A is an additional financial burden to the Experiment Station.
t New Projects. The following projects have been initiated
¤ during the year: i
Y The pathology and bacteriology ot the reproductive or-
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gans of the mare and their relation to sterility.
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_ Breeding experiments to determine the behavior in inherit-
· ance ot certain unit characters.
llelation ot chemical characters to quality in leaf tobacco.
‘ The preparation of a dependable intusion tor spraying
from leati tobacco or waste.
lnvestigations relating to the establishment ol` standard
grades ot tobacco. (ln cooperation with the Bureau of Mar-
‘ kets. V. 9. Dep. i\griculturei.