`Fig   i
`Q-   ,
18 Tlzirty-Fomtlz. Annual Report
4. The Escutcheon in Relation to Production of Milk S
and Butter Fat.
_ 5. The Body Seeretions in Relation to Production of
Milk and Butter Fat.
i J. J. Hooper. July, 1921.
A 235. Commercial Feeding Stuffs. J. D. Turner, H. D. Spears
and E. L. Jackson. September, 1921.
Z 236. A Comparison of the Calcium Content of Some Virgin
l and Cultivated Soils of Kentucky by an Improved
i Method for the Esrtiimatiion of this Element. O. M.
Y Shedd. October, 1921.
237. The Removal of Mineral Plant-Food by Natural Drain-
age \Vaters. J. S. MeHargue and A. M. Peter. Novem-
ber, 1921.
238. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. H. E. Curtis, R. H.
Ridgell and H. R. Allen. December, 1921.
175. (Third Edition, revised) Growing and Fattening Hogs
A in the Dry Lot and on Forage Crops. E. S. Good. June,
v 1921.
Circulars :
_ 25. A Destructive Bud-V\'orm of Apple Trees (Haploa
Q leeontei). H. Garman. June, 1921.
  26. A Comparison ot Broken Ear Corn and Shelled Corn,
  Fed with Silage, for Fattening Steers. E. S. Good and
( L. J. Horlaeher. October, 1921.
Q 27. The Strawberry (`rown-Borer (Tyloderma fragariae). H.
, Garman. October, 1921.
Thirty-'l`hird Annual Report of the Experiment Station
' —192(). Thomas P. Cooper.
(`lieniieal Analyses of the Soils of Logan County, Ken·
tueky. S. D. Averit~t and A. M. Peter. (Field opera-
tions ot the Bureau ot Soils. Soil Survey of Logan
_ County, Kentucky). ln press.