Kentucky Agrieultzirut E.1vpm·i·nzcni Station 19
1: Scientific Papers (In print):
f Sonic neglected setae of lepidopterous larvae. H. Gar-
) nian. Annals of the Entomological Society of Ameri-
ca. Vol. xiv. No. 2. June, 1921.
A short test for easily soluble phosphate in soils. O. M.
YS Sheclcl. Soil Science, vol. xi, No. 2. February, 1921.
Coinparative utilization of the mineral constituents in the
in cotyletlons of bean seedlings grown in soil and in (lis-
ed tilleil water. G. Davis Buckner. Journ. Agr`1 Rc-
11. search. Vol. xx, No. 11. March, 1921.
Sonic points oi? interest conreerning the cocklebur and its
iu, . seeds. J. S. Alcllargue, Ecology. Vol. ii, No. 2.
m__ April, 1921.
The tolerance of hogs for arsenic. D. J. Healy and W.
H. XV. Dinioek. Ky. Acacleniy ot Science, May 14, 1921.
Abstract in Science. N. S., Yol. 54, No. 12199, Aug. 1.9,
__ 1921.
)gS The hydrogen ion concentration ol’ horse semen. YV. S.
H€’ Anmlerson, A. Al, Peter antl D. J. Healy. Journ. Anieri-
can Veterinary Metlieal Association. Vol. lx, N. S.
Vol. 13, No. 3. Deeeniiber, 1921. Read at· the annual
meeting in Denver. ('olorado.
103 Progress in horse breeding. `\V. S. Autlerson. Journal
. Heretlity. March. 1921.
>rn, (`ottonseewl nieal, tankage and lnitterniilk as souri·es ol’
and protein for laying hens. J H. Martin. Journ. Ameri- i
can Association of lnstructors anil lnvestigators in
H_ 1’oultry Hushanrlry. February, 1921.
Grain and SO1l1'Sl{l111—1111ll{ as a laying ration. J. ll.1Iar-
tin. l)t>1llll'}' S('l(‘lll‘(". Vol. 1. No. 2. Dee.-Jati. 1921-22.
The control of infectious abortion in mares. E. S. (lootl.
tion Veterinary Medicine. August, 1921.
A study ot’ some ot` l{(‘lli1It'l(}` `s most pr<·pot~<·111 Heretorrl
{en- bulls. XV. J. Harris. Brcedcrs’ Gazette. Septi=in1»··i·
iera- 8, 1.921. , V
wgan Groiyth of calves. J. J. Hooper. Journ. Heretlity. \ ol.
V x11. No. 7. August-Septt-inber. 1921.