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20 T/iirty-F0it2·tl1. Annual Report
Resistance as a basis of control of corn rooti-rot. VV. D.
Valleau. Abstract in Phytopathology. Vol. ii, No. _
1. January, 1921. _
· Selection of disease-free seed and seed treatments as pos-
T sible means of control of cor11 root-rot. XV. D. Val-
- leau. Abstract in Phytopathology. Vol. ii, N0. 1.
. January, 1921.
Borie acid for fixing H1111110111&l i11 nitrogen determina-
tions in feeding stuffs. Howell D. Spears. Journ. A.
i O. A. C., Vol. v, No. 1. August, 1921.
  The following papers have bee11 prepared this year, but
have not yet appeared i11 print:
The Clark hydrogen electrode vessel and soil measure-
ments. D. J. Healy and P. E. Karraker. Accepted
by Soil Seie11ce.
A rapid method for the analysis of dolomite and magne-
Sltlll limestone. S. D. Averitit. Sent to Journal of
1 Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.
The effect of certain calcium compounds on the yield and
calcium content of certain crops. O. M. Shedd. Ac-
cepted by Soil Science.
Some troubles of the publications committee. A. M.
5 Peter. Prepared for the New Orleans convention of
g the Associatioii of Land-(;lrant Colleges. 1921.
T (`aleinm in egg—shell formation. G. D. Buckner, -1. H.
; Martin, XV. C`. Pierce and A. M. Peter. Prepared for
V the a1111ual meeting of tl1e Federation of American
Societies for lixperimental Biology, New Haven, Con-
nect-ieut, December 28-30, and tl1e Journal of Biologi-
cal Chemistry.
The role of manganese in soils and plants. .1. S. McHar-
gue. Thesis for his doetor`s degree at Cornell Univer-
` A