Iieatuciay AgricuZtm·aZ Experiment Station 27 ·
Infectious Abortion in Mares. For the past three years,
a number of breeders of thoroughbred and standardbred horses
in Kentucky have been vaccinating their mares against infec-
tious abortion by the use of a baeterin discovered and prepared
at this Station. In no instance where mares have been vac-
cinated as a prophylaxis has the disease occurred. In almost
every instance where a herd of mares had not been vaccinated
as a prophylaxis and the disease--made its appearance, the un-
infected mares were successfully immunized against; the dis-
. ease. During the year, seventeen different studs of mares have
been given the treatment. The only possible disadvantage of
this treatment is that some mares may show stiitness ot mus-
cles. This slight indisposition remains but a day or two, when
it passes away. Investigation is now being made of this phase
of the problem.
Sterility in Mares. IVork was initiated during the year
on the pathology and bacteriology ot the reproductive organs
of the mare and their relation to sterility, one of the main ob-
; jects being to determine the cause of sterility and to correct
; the condition to the extent ot making the animal a breeder.
Twenty-nine mares have been examined and a series ot cul-
tures made l’rom each. Ot this number, seven have been killed
and a post-mortem held on each. Three of the twenty-nine are
A supposedly normal animals which are being studied to serve as
a check. A great variety of micro—organisms have been isolat-
ed and are now being studied. The bacterial flora of the re-
produetiive organs ot mares has never been worked out and, A
t therel'ore. it is quite possible that many ot the organisms en-
Ut countered have no relation to the cause of sterility. However,
G the pathological changes observed in the reproductive organs
of most of the mares examined, appear to be thc result of the
7q action of micro—organisms.
U- As it is impossible to reach all the parts ot the reproduc-
qy tive organs by direct medicinal applications, vaccination is be-
s- ing tried. A vaccine has been prepared and is being used cx-