‘ 30 Thirty-Fourth Amiual Repert
A been treated in thisway can not be certain, but it does suggest
that for those cases where antitoxin is not available, the mag- V
nesium sulphate trea‘tment< should be given a trial. li
i Influences on the Production of Milk and Butter Fat. In L
` , the study of the influence of age and pregnancy on the produc-  
· tion of milk and butter fat in Jersey cows, the records of 1,- I
497 Register of Merit tests published by the American Jersey  
Cattle Club show that open (class A) cows slightly excel the 1
  pregnant (class AA) cows in the production of milk and butter C
i fat. Further, it was found that two-year-old cows excel the E
1 requirements mo1·e than do the older cows; that two-year-olds  
A produce 7-1 pounds of milk and 73 pounds of butter fat for V
every 100 pounds produced by mature seven-year-old cows; 1
three-year-olds produce S1 pounds, four-year—olds 91 pounds, T
tive—year-olds 92 pounds and six-year-olds, 96 pounds of butter s
fat compared with 100 pounds for seven—year-olds. <
A study of 476 records of dairy cows failed to reveal any 1
correlation. between the shape of eseutcheon and the produc- 1
tion of milk and butter fat. It was found further that the size
` of the eseutcheon does not correlate with the production of
milk and butter fat. 1
An inspection of 1117 dairy cows shows that the Selvedge Q
type of eseutcheon predominates among Jerseys while the 2
Q l·`landrine type is most eonnnou with llolsteins, Guernseys, Ayr- 1
  shires and Kerrys. ln this study it was also observed that if l
  the eseutcheon is not synnuetrieal, it will be largest on the left ;
i` side and that the largest feathers are found on the left side of j
p the vulva. ‘
A A study of two groups of cows, 70 in the first group and ,
Q S3 in the second group, failed to show a correlation between ,
the amount or color of body secretions and yield of milk or .
butter fat.
Inheritance of Color Markings in Jersey Cattle.
lt was found that sixty-six per cent of Jersey cattle are
solid in color and have black tongues and black switches;
twelve per cent are broken in color with white tongues and