Kentucky Agricultural Escperiment Station 47
' Feed Control. For the calendar year to December 22,
·1050 samples have been collected, analyzed and the results in-
terpreted and reported to those directly interested. Eight
violations have been reported to the federal courts for prose-
cution and two to the state courts. Several other cases were
of a flagrant nature and justified prosecution, but the chain of
evidence could not be completed and—the cases were not re-
ported. The tags issued during the year represent a tonnage
of 200,000, which shows a considerable falling off from last
Fertilizer Control. The registration of fertilizers for the
year included 885 brands. The work of the laboratory has in-
cluded the analysis of almost all of the brands registered and
in addition 6417 other samples, the most of these having been
_ collected by our deputy inspectors. The remaining samples
_ were of fertilizers or fertilizer materials sent in by farmers.
V Stamps representing a tonnage equivalent to 62,131 tons were
, issued during the year, this being a decrease as compared with
l the tonnage represented by the stamps issued for last year.
,, if Nursery Inspection. The work in nursery inspection was
S greatly increased this year by a demand for the inspection of
y \\strawberry plants offered for sale, chiefly in the region about
B Bowling Green. Fifty-two different plantings were inspected, `
_•6 of which nineteen, or about 36.5 per cent, were found infected
3- with crown-borer. (Tertificates were issued only to those
lt whose premises were found free from the pest. ·
is Eighty Kentucky nursery establishments of all sorts were
It inspected during the year. Of the regular nurseries, six were
lY found infested with San Jose scale and were required to fumi-
th gate with hydrocyanic acid gas.
In   Seed Inspection. V\'ork in the field has been prosecuted
with the special purpose of educating our farniers to the nec-
l$· i\ essity of protecting themselves from imposition resulting from
HS the sale of interior seeds and tl1e scattering over the slate by
l€· their means of noxious weeds and crop pests. The law enacted
Kit in 1907 is chiefly a labeling law, providing that the buyer