Broken Ear Corin rs. Shelled Conifer Fattetztezg Steers 23  
  3 Ear corn 73.6c per bu. (68.698 lbs.)*. Cost of breaking  
? 2.5e per bu. Cost of shelling 5c per bu. Cot·tonseed meal $40 ~
 ‘ 1 per ton. Silage $7 per ton. Straw $15 per ton.
· The cost of feed for lot 5 was greater than for lot 6.
1. The necessary selling price was practically the same. Cost
, of cattle and feed considered it would have been necessary to
sell lot 5 for $10.89 per cwt., whereas those in lot 6 could have
_  sold for $10.87 per cwt. and paid expenses. Lot 5 was valued -
7 at $8.19 per cwt., making a loss of $34.97 per steer. Lot No. 6
 _ was valued at $8.34 per cwt., making a loss of $32.35 per steer,
  or $2.62 less loss per head than in lot 5. _
  The hogs received no feed other than that which they V
  picked up from the droppings. The diderence in the amount
  of pork produced was due more tothe individuality of the pigs
· than to any other factor. Lot 5 is credited with 59 pounds of
j  pork, valued at 7 cents per pound, thus reducing the loss per
¥  steer 41 cents. Lot 6 is credited with 65 pounds of pork val-
V ued at 7 cents, thus reducing the loss per steer 45 cents.
J 1. Steers fed a ration of shelled corn, cottonseed meal,
  corn silage and straw made an average daily gain of 1.95
5 pounds on an average dailyration of 10.11 pounds of shelled
corn (last 80 days), 3.45 pounds of cottonseed meal, 35.37
,. pounds of corn silage and .47 of a pound of straw.
Q ~ 2. Steers fed a ration of broken ear corn, cottonseed
3  meal, corn silage and straw made an average daily gain of 1.89
· pounds on an average daily ration of 12.41 pounds of broken p
V ear corn (last 80 days), 3.45 pounds of cottonseed meal, 33.65
pounds of corn silage and .35 of a pound of straw.
Y 3. Steers receiving shelled corn made their gains at a
·- cost of $14.23 per cwt. and would have had to sell fo1· $10.89
_ per ewt. to pay foriifeed and cattle. They were valued at
$8.19 per cwt. and returned a loss of $34.97 per head, not in-
i cluding pork. g
V   on 750 fo1·‘a bushel of T0 lbs., i. e., it required 68.698 lbs. of
ear corn to yield 56 lbs. of shelled corn.