Species of Sobidago in Relation to Cyllene Robin/iae 5 A
‘  l seen. S. jtmcea blooms before the beetles emerge. S. adam, is local
1 fi and not very common, as are also S. shortii and S. olwlmtesis, S.
1 ulmifolia is more or less completely a species of woodland, as
G A are also S. rupestrris and S. serotina. Beetles have been observed
upon flowers of the remaining goldenrods: S. rugosa, S. otemer- K
olds, S. canwdemis and S. alféssimo, but only on the last named
E . in large numbers. S. rugosa and S. nemoralis frequent sandy
g ~ soils, and are thus common only locally in Kentucky. But c
? few beetles have been taken from them at any time. When the
_ first beetles appear during the first ten days of September .
;O S. ecmadensis furnishes some of the forage, but this goldenrod
37 ` is past its prime by the middle of the month and S. alfissima
_; - is at its best from about the tenth until the last of October, _
when the beetles disappear. The tall goldenrod has even been
V.V. collected in bloom in November, beyond the period when the
A locust borer has been seen. ·
f Plants of the genera Euthamia and Brachychaeta have not
_ Y been observed to attract the beetles, but are so closely related
  to Solidago that they may be considered as possible food plants, »
- to be further observed. The only species of Eupatorium upon `
T which beetles have been collected are E. ser0ti~mt.m, very com-
  mon in August and September in Western Kentucky, and E. `
 V perfoliatum. The number of instances of the occurrence of
1 beetles on the flowers of these plants has, however, proved so ‘
  small as not to alter the force of statements made in Bulletin
  , No. 200 of the Kentucky Station as to the dependence of the '
g   beetles on S. altissima.
er ‘ The beetle is certainly adapted to the genus Solidago, not t
)-  K alone in the matter of food and its period of adult activity,
.11 but in its colors as well. For while at first thought the oddly
31 °i cross-striped insect seems conspicuously marked yet the beetles
,.7 are not conspicuous when resting on the flowers of Solidago. I
is . have sometimes wondered why they were not of a uniform
, yellow color, seeing that they frequent a yellow flower. The
 V; yéllow cross lines are, it is true, of the exact shade of yellow
IG   of the flowers, but another feature of the coloration imp1‘GSS€S
m * B16 as of more importance than this correspondence of color by