Soybeans 27
>t j hay as cowpeas under the same soil conditions or more and the
d   hay is at least equal in value to eowpea hay.
  On land inclined to be wet and cold, soybeans give de-
g >,  cidcdly better results than eowpeas because, unlike the latter,
a S  they are not easily injured by excessive moisture. Both
at , :4 soybeans and eowpeas are quite tolerant of soil acidity and will `
ar  . thrive on soils too acid for red clover. The following com-
gr Q parative yields of clover and soybeans on untreated land at -
3,-   some of the Experiment Station soil experiment fields demon-
.8   state this fact: .
in   Soybeans Clover Gain ·
3 Mayfield 1684 lbs. 325 lbs. 1359 ,
 A Lone Oak 1950 lbs. 1168 lbs. 782
>il   Russellville 1976 lbs. 1554 lbs. 422
gy   · Greenville 1163 lbs. 539 lbs. 624 '
,St  ,· Soybeans are not seriously injured at any stage of growth
,1-7   by cold, damp weather, while eowpeas are often injured to
  such an extent that the crop is practically a failure. Soybeans '
 ‘ are more drouth-resistant than eowpeas. i
   'i Cowpeas are very tender and are killed by even a light _
 ` frost at any stage of growth. Soybeans will stand considerable
VCC j frost without injury, altho killed by heavy frosts, ·
  ,  Soybeans produce much heavier yields of seed than cow-
Us 'Q  peas; hence they are better for hogging down or for any pur-
hc ` pose where seed production is the chief object. Soybeans
hc , ripen all the seed at the same time, making harvesting a rela-
VH  j lively easy task, comparable to harvesting wheat or oats. Cow-
’DS_  V peas continue to grow and produce green pods until checked by
my  ; frost or drouth. To get sound seed, the pods must be picked
kb ` as they ripen, the common practis in the cot-ton belt; or the
the Z Villes may be cut as soon as a fair crop of pods has 1`lpCllC(l,
gm   and when dry, threshed. The yield of seed obtained by the
ill"   letter method is small, while picking by hand is expensive. The
are . straw makes excellent hay, however; much better than soy-
eaS  § bean straw.
ef 1  Soybeans can be threshed with an ordinary grain sepa-
NY  " 1`Hior by making a few adjustments, but cowpcas crack S0 easily
1011  A ‘ that a special pea thresher is necessary to thresh the CYOP-