The long established reputation of the city for refine- j
ment and culture, renders it attractive as a seat of learn-  
ing, and the large body of fertile country adjacent, ,“
known as the "Blue-Grass Regi0n," with its splendid  
stock farms, affords unsurpassed advantages to the if
student of agriculture who desires to make himself
familiar with the best breeds of horses, cattle, sheep, ·
and swine in America. i
B O A R D I N G .
For th-e accommodation of students sent by the 5
Board of Examiners appointed by the Court of Claims,
as beneficiaries of the Legislative Representative Dis-
, tricts of the State, 72 rooms are provided in the dormi- _
tory. To these it is believed that good substantial board
can be furnished at $2 per week, payable in advance.  
Students lodging in the dormitory furnish their own  
rooms. Good boarding, with fuel, lights, and furnished  
room can be obtained in private families at rates vary- A
· ing from $3 to $5 per week. In all cases where stu- A
dents can at all afford it, boarding and lodging in private  
i families are recommended. _'
E X P E N S E S I l
The necessary expenses ofa student while at Col- i
lege need not exceed the following estimates. As a l *
rule, the less pocket money allowed by parents or guar- i  
dians, the better it is for the pupil. When supplies are i `
kept short, the opportunity for contracting vicious  
habits is correspondingly diminished. Students should ` A 1
be allowed by their parents to create no debts.   1
For appointees occupying a room in the dormitory,   (
and boarding in the common mess, the necessary ex- I t
penses are as follows: I
Tuition ..... . ..... , ..,. . ..... 8 oo oo a
Roomfee ...............   goo  
Matriculation ........ . . . . . . ..... 5 oo ` ti