the Missouri and Arkansas infantry refused to cross the river at Shreveport lest they should be surrendered.

After it had been agreed by Shelby and his supporters that the Confederates would not surrender but should concentrate on the Brazos and continue the war, Shelby went back to Marshall and put himself at the head of his division to return to Shreveport. But before he got there, the army was formally surrendered.

Shelby then determined to go to Mexico. Confusion reigned supreme. The army had been surrendered. There was neither civil nor military authority to hold the lawless elements in check. His men had the choice to go with him or return to their homes. About 500 went with him. But there was no relaxation of discipline. As he passed through the State he protected the people in all their rights   protected them from the lawlessness of their own disbanded soldiers. At San Antonio he took under his protection Gen. Kirby Smith, General Magruder, General Price, General Hindman, Governor Reynolds of Missouri, Governor Allen of Louisiana and Governor Murrah of Texas, beside a number of other civil and military officers, gave them a guard of honor and escorted them out of the country; and when he and his command crossed the Rio Grande at Eagle Pass, the rear guard    the last vestige   of the Confederate army disappeared.