Formerly THE IDEA

State University of Kentucky







One of the most unfortunate tragedies in tho hlBtory of the University
happened last Friday afternoon, October 15, when Eldridge Griffith, a
Freshman In the Arts and Science Department, Was thrown to the ground
and received fatal Injuries when at
the corner of North Broadway and
Third Street a street car crashed Into
the steel cable which had been used
tug of
in the Freshman-Sophomorwar and which was being borrte
through the streets by the Freshmen
In celebration of their victory over the
upper class men, from wljich injuries
he died' a few hours later. The impact of the car upon the cable threw
Griffith and a number of others to
the ground, breaking Griffith's neck
and injuring a dozen others in a
greater or less degree. Griffith
lever regained
died at St. Joseph's Hospital at 8:15
o'clock that night.
Griffith was 18 years old and the
son of J. L. Griffith, a merchant of
Benton, Marshall County, in the western part of the State. Although he
had been a student in the University
only since September, he had made
many riends and was well liked by
all who knew him. His death was
generally regretted by the students
and the tragedy was a shock to all,
coming as it did at the end of what
Judge Barker described as "one of
the happiest days in the history of the
school, since I become president and
after one of the fairest and most honest class contests and one of the most
parades I have ever witnessed."
Saturday at noon the students assembled in a mass meeting at which
it was announced that all of Che
functions of the day, including a Cadet Hop and a track meet had been
called off in honor of the unfortunate
young man, and at which resolutions
were passed as follows:
"We, the students of State University of Kentucky, in mass meeting
assembled, desire to pay respect to
the memory of Eldridge S. Griffith,
our fellow student, who met an untimely death on yesterday afternoon.
"Our brother was a Freshman and
had been with us only a few weeks,
but even in that brief time he had
endeared himself to all who knew
him, whether of the faculty or the
student body. He was an upright,
honorable young man, who, though
full of college spirit, lived a clean
life and gave rich promise of rounding out into a
man .
"We deplore his loss and hereby
express to his family and friends our



First Big Game on Local
Field Finds Team In
Good Shape


deepest sympathy in their great sorTO BE HELD
row. We recognize that mere words RALLIES
can mean little to the grief stricken
Football day, Saturday, should
hearts of his family, but if it is any
bring a capacity crowd to Stoll Field
comfort to them to know that wo
to watch the Blue and White pigskin
share as much of their sorrow as is
in battle array against
artists line-uposlsble, that comfort with our love,
the purple performers from the Unis theirs.-versity of the South. Sewanee is reThe body was taken to the home of membered by the older football fans
the parents Saturday afternoon and to have met and defeated State here
the funeral was held. Sunday. About several years ago by a very close mar400 students
,with black badges of gin. The present Cats will do all in
mourning on their arms marched In
their power to atone for the defeat
procession behind the hearse which, of
their predecessors. And besides,
bore the body to the station and stood Coach Tigert being a former Vandy
in silence while it was placed on the man,
would rather win this game than
train. The silent column of students any other on the schedule.
with bowed heads and solemn step
A rally will be held at the chapel
furnishing a striking contrast to the hour Friday in preparation
for the
parade of the preceding afternoon, big game and Friday night
at 8:00
when many of the same students o'clock a bon fire and rally will be
laughing and shouting and giving their. held on
Stoll Field. On the cards givcollege yells had frolicked along the ing
the time for the rallies it was also
same streets.
announced that prizes of five dollars
The tug of war, cleanly contested would be given for the best K. S. U.
throughout and Intensely interesting, yell and for the best athletic song,
having ended with a defeat of the which are to be handed in at the
Sophomores the Freshmen as Is the business office before November 10.
usual custom, started with
These prizes have been offered by
steel cable to parade through town in men interested in the University and
celebration of their victory. They pro- it is believed that the competition will
ceeded down Rose and High Streets be lively.
to the viaduct and from there to Main
State will have an advantage in
Street. Here they executed the snake playing on the home grounds with
dance, weaving back and forth across which the team is familiar and where
th street; and temporarily delaying the team will have the encouragement
traffic, but allowing all vehicles to and support of the students.
pass after they had been held up for
The coaches have been putting the
a few minutes, and conducting them- men through hard scrimmages and
manner. The signal drills behind closed gates durselves in a
people on Main Street seemed to en- ing the week and the team shows up
ter into the celebration and enjoy the well after Saturday's1 hard game.
exuberant spirits of the Freshmen, With one or two exceptions the Vareven the traffic policemen good natur-edl- sity men will be in good condition.
hurrying them across the street Corn, who has been out since the
Intersections. Having traversed Main first game with an injured shoulder,
Street the parade started for the north will probably be back in the line-upart of Lexington to visit Hamilton Otherwise the same line-uwill be
and Sayre Colleges for young ladies, presented Saturday with Rodes at
which is the customary procedure in quarter; Schrader, fullback; Haydon,
all University parades.
right half;
left half; Grabfelder,
On their way up North BroaUway Dempsey, center; Brittain and Corn,
they allowed a car to pass them un- guards; Thompson and Server, tackmolested by letting the cable down on les; Kinne and Crutcher, endH.
the track and allowing the car to run
tackles, Turner
over it. Arriving at Hamilton on and Dobbins, will be seen ir. action
North Broadway, they executed a with the Sewanee eleven against tho
snake dance on the college lawn, gave Wildcats, and to stop those two big
their class yells and displayed the men is tho work cut out for the Blue
cablo as a sign of their victory. Leav- and Whito men In the first big game
ing Hamilton tho parade went down on the local field.
Broadway to Third Street, a few hunSewanee has won ull three of the
dred yards distant, and turned In(Continued ou Pago 2)
to Third Street on Us way to Sayro
College. It was at this point that the
accident occurred. When about half
Tho Strollers will hold a meeting in
of tho students had crossed the track
Fri- a North Broadwuy cur, in charge of tUlr room in the Main Building
day afternoon at 4:45 o'clock.
(Continued on Pago 3)




EOF 93



Celebration of Victory of First Year Men Over Sophs
Ends Disastrously With the Death of
Member of the Class


No. 6









Drops 20 Feet To Creek
Bed When Bridge




Mississippi A. & M. Win
Over State in "Hotly"
Contested Game
Miss Edna Martin, a Sophomore In
tho Arts and Science Department, received painful Injuries last Monday
when a railing on which she was sitting on a bridge over the Elkhorn
Depot, broke,
Creek near Payne's
causing her to drop upon the rocks in
he bottom of the stream, twenty feet
Miss Martin was taken to the Good
Samaritan Hospital and, although her
injuries are painful, they are not believed to be serious. She was considerably bruised and cut and it was
feared at first that she was internally injured, but this is not now believed to be so.
Miss Martin is the daughter of W.
H. Martin, of Midway, and is a nie'ee
of Charles Lucas, detective at the
Phoenix Hotel.
She was visiting Miss Wehrle, of
Payne's' Depot and the two young
ladies were out for a walk and were
sitting on the rail of the bridge where
they had stopped to rest, when the
accident occurred.
The last report from the hospital
said that Miss Martin's condition was


between the Freshmen and Sophomore classes at Clifton
pond last Friday afternoon resulted in
a victory for the Freshles, the Sophs
being compelled to go through the
damp water, clothes and all. About
1,500 people witnessed tho struggle.
The rules drafted by the presidents
of the contesting classes were strictly
observed and the lontest was said by
many to have been tho cleanest and
most sportsmanlike held In tho three

The sixteen husky Wildcats, Coach
John J. Tigert and Assistant Coach
Tuttle, returned to their native heath
Monday morning with the sting of a
defeat, at the hands of the Mississippi A. & M. Bulldogs lingering In
their minds, that with an added determination in their hearts, to go forth
and conquer new fields.
Ninety-thredegrees in the shade
and the unfamiliarity of a foreign
field, were factors in State's defeat.
Yet we have no complaint to make.
The team was beaten fairly
Never before has State been accorded such a welcome. Mississippi had
advertised It as her biggest game and
made It just that by her enthusiasm
and hard playing. Cheers for the visiting team and strains of "My Old
Kentucky Mome" from the Mississippi band frequently floated out to
encourage Kentucky's men to greater
efforts. When time was finally called,
of Mississippi
swarmed to the field and carried both
dripping teams to the gymnasium.
The Memphis Commercial Appeal in
commenting on the game, said:
"Mississippi A. & M. played a
game on offense over that
they showed Saturday in the Transylvania game. The teamwork and
interference was much better, and
Nobles, at quarter, showed better
judgment in directing the play.
Kentucky State had a fast and
team, and made an excellent
showing. On several occasions the
Kentuckians got together and carried
'le ball well into the Aggies' territory, only to be held for downs or to
lose the ball on attempted forward
" Doc" Rodes' ability
had been
heralded In the Southern camp, and
he was watched closely by the Bull
Dogs In every play.
Captain Schrader, at full, repeatedly plunged through the line for gains.
The feature of the game was his tack- -

(Continued on Page 3)

(Continued on Page 3)


Contest Said To Be Most
Sportsmanlike Ever
Held Here





October 2 Butler College
October 9 Earlham College
October 1C Mississippi A. and M
October 23 University of tho South (Sewanee)
October 30 University of Cincinnati
November C University of Louisville
November 13 PURDUE
November 20 Tennessee


33 to


54 to 13
0 to 12

At Lexington

At Lexington
At Louisville
At Lexington
Ai Lexington
