Friday, April


17, 1931


In the mrtnner

signed on a long term (five years)
contract by Paramount.
ment is that she win be starred
within a year. It is considered quite
a break for the Tashman for, as
you know, she has been playing bits
on every coast lot for years. Par
plans to spot her In the roles left
open by Kay Francis who signed
wiui Warners.
In addition to its presentation of
stage nnd screen entertainment, the
Ada Mende
is offering Princess
Yvonne, "the psychic marvel of the
beginning Sunday.
And no one seems to know
Is going to be done with
the old Lexington Opera House.
It Is supposed to open April 25 but
wun wnat?
Reginald Denny was one of our
lavorucs bnck In the golden silence
era but, due to poor pictures, his
glow waned.
He is now making a
very strong bid for favor in talkers
under the Metro wing starting with
"Madam Satan." He followed this
with a splendid performance in
"A Lady's Morals" and continued to
handle leads. His newest appear
ance is in "Stepping out" which
opens at the Ben AH Sunday. This
is a farce comedy with Charlotte
ureenwood, the screens only een
ulncly funny woman, Cliff Edwards,
Leila Hyams, and Myrna Kennedy
in the cast. We have often dis
played our weakness for Miss
Hyams. "Stepping Out" Is adapted
from a popular" stage play and is
said to be highly diverting.

Six" should" have good acting Judg
(Funnyman) Ardery it occurs to . inc from the cast which includes
us: that "Honor Among Lovers" Is i Wallace Berry, Lewis Stone, John
good entertainment
II..Iiti (the
that "MIcKa- - Unb
having Ladies" isn't that this platinum blond of "Hell's Angels"),
weather is inconduclvc to movie at- and Marjorlc Rambcau.
tendancethat Paul Whltcman's
radio program is one of the air's
asked that we revive our
best that this Is not a radio col habitreader presenting brief biograof
umnthat there aren t as many phies of stage and screen notables
scandals as there used
Myrna Loy was
to be when will "City Lights" and In this column.
born in Helena, Montana, on
"Trader Horn" appear in Lexing- 20, 1901. She was educated inJune
ton? that Roamln' Rcna often dis- Angeles and went into professional
agrees with us that this "occur- dancing from which
she was rering" business is likely to drive one cruited to the silent films. We parInsane.
ticularly like her because the adjecTLR
tive "exotic" fits her so well.
And then there is the faculty
member who, In class a few days
The State is calling back the good
ago, was speaking of the merits of
Maurice Chevalier and Rudy Vallec old days by running a serial called
as vocalists. After discussing Chev- "The Indians Are Coming!" If you
alier he cracked, "Now take that have the you you'll get a kick out
other French singer, Rudy Vallee." of what money to to beg your folks
for the
Hurray for Connecticut!
Clara Bow was in rehearsals on
What is reported to be the ulti- a picture when the court room
mate in getting to the inside of beckoned her for the Daisy DeBoe
gangdom in motion picture form trial upon which Fred Toy cracked,
opens at the Strand Sunday under "It all proves that Daisies do ten.
title, "The Secret B. P. Schulberg, Paramount's pro
the yellow-backe- d
Monday Did have the pleasure
duction boss, invited Miss Bow to
Six." The
college' with MICKY
release proposes to bring out crook- step out of the picture. She was of walking to
ed politics behind underworld move- replaced by a stage name, Sylvia McGUIRE and did meet 'with
ments. The picture tells a melo- Field, and the picture was compiet RALPH TUCKER and BUS YAdramatic story of how a city official ed. It is "City Streets" and ft opens GER who did seem to have gotten
at the Kentucky tomorrow. Gary
tricked himself into being discovered by citiaens. Of course, it isn't Cooper, of the tall frame and pen up on the wrong side of the bed.
wise to draw deductions, but it is sive brown, is featured in the bill Did see JOHN WATTS and his
noised about that the city is Chi- ing. "City Streets" also has Paul fond love walking along as though
Perhaps Mr. Cermak will Lukas, one of the growing femme they cared not if they never reachhave something to say about the favorites, in the cast.
ed the next class; did notice MAR-IATLR
production showing in his city of
Lilyan Tashman was recently
business. However, "The Secret
PENN trying to persuade some
crirls to skip class and go for
little ride and did hear them
tell the fair ettes that it would
be well worth their time, but the
girls didn't believe them. Did see
and the
BILL TROTT in earnest conver
sation in front of the Administra
tion building and did wonder what
co-e- d
they were now discussing.
Alter class to the usual DEN OF
SMOKE where did see GORDON
and did Join them only to be bored
with the usual trend of GORDON'S
conversation, his "different adventurers at summer resorts" and did
believe half of them. Saw HARVEY BLANTON and BILLY HUBBLE, whom we have selected as
our ROSE GIRL for the week. He
did talk With ELIZABETH! ANN
WEATHERS and BILLY did seem
to enjoy it very much, BILL
did venture in to get some
dirt for his column but even I did
not hear and, so did leave that
place of bad influence to wander
toward the KAPPA house where
did meet the fair JANE SHELBY
did seem so happy about nothing
and did see the
in particular
who did look lo6t now that
all her affairs of importance were
134 E.
a thing of the past, and did notice
that FRANK STONE was losing as
little time as possible in that direction; he even had a well known
lage blue PIERCE ARROW sedan
in which he desired the fair one
to take a ride. After a bit of
entertainment I wandered off in the
direction of the
where I was greeted by their one
and only host WALLER
who came hobbling toward me on
his cane and did ask, me a question
or two to my great surprise. The
girls were overjoyed to see me and
I did wonder why only for a short
time for they did want me to meet
a CUTE RUSHEE and "Be nice to
her." While doing this did notice
ALICE BRUNER who did seem to
be the center of attraction of REX
ALLISON'S; upon looking out the
window did notice FRANCES
YOUNG walking down the street
with some ette I did not know. DOT
LILLESTON did wander in for a
moment but did leave almost immediatelyand I did follow suit as
soon as I shook off "The Cute Little
Tuesday: A little early to my
class, and am convinced that miracles do happen, and did spend my
time rather enjoyably. Did talk
with handsome JOE FERGUSON
who did say a few cheering words
and who did tell of his happiness
of the past week end. Did also
have a short talk with handsome
REX ALLISON whom I found with
out BRUNER and did wonder if
this could mean that I stood a
chance in that fair ettes direction,
but on second thought decided to
steer clear. Did see JOHN PRE-WIT- T
and EARL CELLA standing
around not doing a thing as usual
Did venture Into the sacred portals
of the Law building where I did
A sandwich, a soda and a walk is a health, dp who were preparing themselves for
their life's work. Did see JANE
that is guaranteed to work.
Light foods are healthful and prevent that after- ELIZABETH FISHER, and MARY
noon drowsiness that comes from over eating. ARMSTRONG all who were smoking away their lives and talking all
For luncheon today, or any other time stop at at once. Saw EARL KING SENFF
our modern fountain and try a sandwich, and LISTER WITHERSPOON who
salad or any of our delicious fountain foods. were wasting their time. Then
to my room to study. So to bed
in the early hours of the morning.








Short Street

Have Luncheon
at our




Consolidated Drug Stores

100 E. Main St.

101 W.

Mais St.

201 E. Main St.




Snick ers

And Junior?
Kimcga: How was your father-i- n
law looking the last time you saw
Piecap: Straight down the barrel.
As the managing editor of a
newspaper lay dying lie
sent for a sunorainaie, asKca lor
dummy sheets, began laying out the
paper., When he featured his own
kick-I- n
with an eight column banner and a cut on page one the

You have always said that news
paper men are the poorest copy in
the world," he argued.
Fooll replica tue editor, "wnen
this comes out I won't be a news
paper man."
Oh, Well
The Kimegas were simply en
thralled with the beauty of a Sigma
A saxophone and
Chi serenade.
ukelele aided and abetted the
The song
efforts of the vocalists.
sters were unwise, however, in their
choice of position. Since they stood
beneath the windows of Lamda Chi
and since the Lamda Chls evident
ly had not a true appreciation of
good music the Sigma Chis were
shortly well doused with a
of water, tossed from the
second floor of the Lamda Chi
house. For a moment It seemed
that hostllltis would follow but a
delegation which entered the house
to investigate the matter eventually arbitrated. Terms were not made
Oar Racket
All of our fatherly and motherly
friends all none of them have
asked us what we Intend to do when
we graduate from this university.

We have a label new racket.
When we get big we are going to
New York and rent a hole in the
village. It will be In
and we will never speak above a
whisper in our conversations with
clients. The chairs will be soft
and inviting and our fee will be
a Century. The door will bear a
scarlet lettered sign, "William


several gentlemen working on the
freshly plowed front yard. We were
curious that they should be working at that time, and so, walking
toward the yard we found that
they were not S. A. E.s at all. When
we asked' what they were doing
they briefly replied, "Sowing wild
onion seeds."




A gavel made from a niece of
Schools of Journalism and. oak taken from the original build- American Newspaper Tress! ing that housed the first medical
to Work Together for Com- - college In the state was presented
Stucker to Dr. T. J.
lnv Dr J
mon interests
nay cnarman of thc Faycttc



Fear prompts the writer to re- lTain from mentioning names, but
County Medical
society at its 1
nope tnIs llttlc Puzzlc wl not
Closer cooperation between thc monthly meeting last night
National Editorial Association andlmeetlng was held In'room 111. Mc- - fnx .tnc bralns of the student body
thc American Society of Newspaper Vcy hall,
The subject .under djscuwlon
Dr. G. P. Sprague read a paper
Editors, on the one hand, and thc
American Association of School.
and Departments of Journalism and cllssocj oy Doctor Miner, Doctor tnlnk llc bears thc title of president,
the American Association of Teach- - stucky and Doctor Ferguson, head Hc ,s nls0 responsible for that no- or tue veterans bureau. This was
J ,r
followed by a technical paper on holding, the ofllce of editor. This
three representatives of each of "Tiibcrculosls MfniniriHe1' whirh wnq, means tnai ne is one or mat li- lustrious group called Sigma Delta
these four national organizations, read by Dr. C. M. McKinlay,
at a meeting held In Cleveland, O., Visitors to the meeting included Chi, honorary Journalistic fraternity.
As an honor man he is a
April 4.
Doctor White, Doctor Dimmlck, of
"wc recommend to the organ the psychology department and member of Lamp and senior and
lzatons which this Joint committee Mr. Leggctt from Transylvania Col- also chairman of the
represents that they advance, by lege. The meeting was attended by
And has hc a way with the lades!
act, in every proper man more than CO doctors from Fayette
word and
ner, a greater degree of coopera county and three from Bourbon Only this morning he was offering
advice on thc best way to call girls
tion between schools of Journalism county.
in uoya nan, suggesting tne long
and the press," the statement reads.
distance phone as private in
Wc look 'forward ito the day
vcrsation and where no one can
every newspaper will make
disturb even If you wish to talk 15
It Its business to know what the
or 20 minutes. We could hardly
rO rUbllSh
schools of Journalism are doing, and
term him a gentleman as he seems
when every school of Journalism
will go out of its way to know what
The board of student publications, bad prefer brunettes and that's a
sign. Some even say that he
newspapers are doing.
We com meeting at 4 o clock Wednesday afmend the practice which has grown ternoon in McVey hall, elected reads story books such as "Alice In
Wonderland." but then vou can't
up in some states, directed and William Ardery editor and Coleman
applied so far as possible whereby R. Smith business manager of the believe everything you hear.
newspaper editors and school of summer edition of The Kernel.
We must say that he dresses in
Journalism authorities go over the
William Ardery Is a Junior In the the best of taste, always looking like
list of graduating classes and ar- Arts and Sciences College, a mem a fashion plate. Blue shirts and
range as far as possible for the ber of Phi Delta Theta fraternity, tics predominate which we believe
he wears to emphasize the blue-gre- y
placement of graduates.
of the Kentucky
and president
of his eyes. One day he forNeed Trained Workers
Press Association. got his belt
the Impending disaster
We recognize the increasing de Coleman Smith is a member of the
might have wrecked his costume.
mand of newspaper organizations Delta Tau Delta" fraternity, a sopho
Some favorite extracts from his
for college trained workers. We be- more In the College of Commerce,
speech are:
for crying out
lieve it the proper mission and obli
and is the present business man- loud. What "Awl you
going to do,
gation of schools of Journalism to ager of The Kernel.
quarrel over a couple of words?
supply that demand. To that end
At' thc meeting Wednesday the We'll have a spelling bee."
we believe that the basic education contract for
the engraving in the With the suggestion of golf,
for newspaper work should be in 1932 Kentuckian was given to Jahn
such courss and such mental equip and Oilier, of Chicago, but the "Why don't you go out to the Pica- dome pasture?"
ment as are generally recognized board postponed the awarding of
as the requirements for a bachelor's the printing of the Kentuckian
Any slurring remarks on the home
degree, specifically directed to the until a later date.
' town are met with, "Awritel Pipe
problems of newspaper service.
down back there or us Swedes will
'We believe that such college
training, so directed, should be supSomeone tried to be funny and
plemented by specific instruction in
kid him about the crummy looking
B. Dicker, superintendent
the fundamentals
of newspaper of Mr. J. in the College of Engineerbaseball team that visited us this
service, its mission and obligations, ing, W. L. Albert, president of Ken- week.
its history, its ethics, with special tucky chapter of Triangle fraterni"Just wait until you see the brand
regard for the definition and de- ty, and G. J. O'Roark,
of ball they play," he said, which
velopment of news, and In the pracwill leave Lexington, Wedneswas sad but true.
tical art of newspaper work with day, April 29, for Chicago to attend
Needless to say he is frame Ra
equipment, to afford the annual convention of Triangle
practice and training for the small fraternity, Thursday, Friday and cine. Wisconsin a fact about which
paper as well as the large.
Saturday, April 30, May 2, at the he Is very proud.
Edgewater Beach hotel. Mr. DickShe He Just smiled at me.
My dear, are you er will deliver the principal address
Carroll F.
He That's nothing.
I laughed
at the banquet to be held Saturday
out loud the first time I saw you.
Margart M. No, only fatigued.

and Smith

Well Rather White
One of the few gentlemen on the
campus received an invitation to
one of the formals with the name
Inscribed thereon.
of wash-o- ut
When one of his friends, who did
not know the girl, asked him for a
with her he told him that
he was sorry but that he would not
give one, even to his worst enemy.
As Ye Sow
We were passing the sacred portals of Sigma Alpha Epsiloh very
late the other night when we saw


Brown and
White . . .
Black and
White . . .

Tan and





in the name of




Ordinary Occurrences


was again wrong about Shipwreck-- he


It occurs to us that the campus
was only vacationing.... that the


Kappas failed in what they fondly
termed "a clever political move" in
the W. S. G. A. election.... that the
two dances Saturday evening will
be so crowded that one will be fortunate even to get inside the ballrooms. .. .that the derby is coming
the May Queen nominees
take themselvs entirely too seriously
that the Stroller revue will
be one of the best things Lexington
has ever seen.... that we have a
track team.... that! we have not
missed plugging Riley and ourselves
a single time this semester.... tnac
we can forgive people for talking
about the weather when It Is extra
ordinarily had... or good... that we
have spent the last tnree anemoons
in uproarious laughter.... that we
hate to laueh too much because we
have noticed that truly smart people
never do.




Line of the month to Dick Moore,
who, when asked at a formal if
there were anyone whom he would
like to meet replied. "No thank you,
I know too damn many now."



Your foot is flattered and your style Tightness
assured if you wear our really stunning, new
spectator sport shoes. They are copies of very
costly French and English creations, and you'll
recoznize their worth as soon as you see their

Just when we had begun to believe that there were no more ladles

who truly deserve the inestimable
honor of receiving one of our roses
marriage and
we have another
again, dear children, the Kappas
munch their gum with a worried
Lois Adams
Nightingale Adams is awarded the
rose this week because she is what
the Kappa Sigs would term "a
swell looking gal;" because she Is
dramatic In everything, tehe does
and is therefore interesting; because
she often has been the Chi Omega
nominee for campus beauty honors;
becauso she has never attempted to
cultivate a wide circle of masculine
admirers; because she is the sort of
The university board of trustees girl who looks well In an AP photo;
Is asking for new bids for the conbecause she Is sometimes too enstruction of a beef cattle barn. All tirely engrossed with Roddy to
previous bids have exceeded $1500, speak to us.
the amount appropriated by the
state legislature for this purpose.
Fortune Teller (to motorist) I
Members of the committee which warn you, a dark man is about to
will act upon all new bids are Dr. cross your path.
Frank L. McVey, Dean Thomas P.
Nancy G. (ardent motorist)
Cooper, and Judge R. O. Stolb
Better warn the dark man I

distinctive details.




m mm




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139 West Main
