] Kentucky, and whose powers and duties are prescribed in the act of
( the General Assembly establishing this as one of the colleges of the
r. A student upon his arrival at the University will report promptly
to the Regan/, with his testimonials of character and standing, and
will designate the college which he may wish to enter; whereupon he
will receive a session-bill, referring him to the presiding ofticer of that
college for consultation, and to the treasurer for the payment of his
2. He will, as early as practicable, secure suitable boarding; and
_ any unnecessary delay in doing this, or in reporting to the Regent,
presiding ohicer, or treasurer, will be regarded as sufficient evidence
, , of his unhtness for admission.
3. Having presented his session-bill to the presiding ofhcer, the
student will be referred by him for examination to the professors into
whose schools he seeks to be admitted.
4. After successful examination he will report to the secretary of
the faculty, and, having received from that ohieer a copy of the laws
. ‘ of the University, he will, after reading them, be entitled to matricu-
late by signing the following declaration: "I enter the University with
a sincere desire to enjoy the benehts of its instruction, and with a
determined resolution to conform to its laws."
` E 5. After signing the declaration, the matriculate will at once enter
upon his studies in the schools to which he has been admitted. The
number of his recitations must in all cases amount to at least three a
l day, unless, at the request of the students parent or guardian, he may
for satisfactory reasons be permitted by the faculty to attend a less