For the present, Preparatory Classes in English Literature and
Mathematics are organized for the beneht of such students as have + _
been unable to qualify themselves for regular admission. `
A student may graduate in any school on the following conditions:
r. That he shall have been a member of that school at least one ,
year, and shall have completed in a satisfactory manner the studies l "
thereof, or what the professor in charge may deem a fair equivalent; {
‘ ‘ the record of his scholarship for each term being not less than seventy-
tive per centum of the scale on which one hundred denotes perfection. _l
` 2. That he shall have habitually observed the rules of the Uni-
versity. Q
Graduation in the schools, except those of Modern Languages, l
Civil Engineering, and Military Science, is required for admission to `
the regular Degree of Bachelor of Science. I
A student may be admitted to the regular Degree of Master of  
Science on the following conditions: ` , ,
r. That he shall have been admitted, at least one year previously,
to the Degree of Bachelor of Science.
2. That he shall have passed a satisfactory examination before the
proper faculty, in an advanced course of two departments of Natural ~
Science, and a course of historical study prescribed by the faculty.
3. That he shall have paid ten dollars to the Library Fund. ‘
By a provision of the act incorporating the Agricultural and Me-
. chanical College, each legislative district in the state is entitled to send v s
to this college, free of charge for tuition, three properly prepared
students, who have also the right to receive, free of charge, the benefit X
of instruction given in the College of Arts and the Department of
Biblical Instruction.
The law requires that the selection of students shall be made by
the justices of the peace in each legislative district. This should be K
done at the regular meetings of the county court, and the orders
appointing them duly certihed by the clerk.
The appointees should be at least fourteen years of age, of good
character and industrious habits. and should be versed in the elements `