]OIN I  
*   NEW
The American Liberty League is organized to defend Q
and uphold the Constitution of the United States and to Q ` N 7
gather and disseminate information that (1) will teach §  
the necessity of re pect for the rights of persons and E
property as fundamental to every successful form of gov- Q   I  
iernment and (2) will teach the duty of government to E
encourage and protect individual and group initiative 5
and enterprise, to foster the right to work, earn, save, §
and acquire property, and to preserve the ownership and E
lawful use of property when acquired. g * * *
The League believes in the doctrine expressed by Q
George Washington in his Farewell Address that while 2
the people may amend the Constitution to meet condi- E
tions arising in a changing world, there must "be no E A 1 . f . . d d.
change by usurpation; for this * * * is the customary Q n ana YSIS O a Sltuauon cman lng
weapon by which free governments are destroyed." § that Congress call a halt on departures
Since the League is wholly dependent upon the con- Q fr¤m C0nStituti0m"·1 s¤v¢r¤m¢¤¢.
tributions of its members for financial support it hopes Q review Policies initiated by the
that you will become a contributing member. However, Q E . b 1 . h.
if you cannot contribute it will welcome your support as   Xecutlvc ut proper Y Wlt In
a non-contributing member. E the province of the LegisIa»
___ _________ __________________   V tive Branch and cut short
  both waste and extrava»
ENROLL I NT BLANK   gance in the expendi»
  a ture of public funds
Date ...................  
I desire to be enrolled as a member of the   _
American Liberty League.  
5 ¢€ c_,
Szgnature .......................................... g C   U
5 QP Y0
Name ..........................................   r Y Le
M Street ...........................................   S
gg ~ i
E Town .. ......................................... E
E National Headquarters
County .......................... State ..........   NATIONAL PRESS B[]ILDING
V Enclosed find my contribution of $ ..........   *
to help support the activities of the League.   *
(H7) ' .   Document No. II7
A Q April, 1936