4 "Should We_Amgng_thg_Qgg§t1tut1gn_to Grant the Nat1onal_ggvernment Gengral_yglfare
Pgwggg3" - Speech by William H. Rogers, President of the Florida State Bar Assoclatlon. (Doc.
No. 113)
"The New Ingu1s1t1on" - Speech by Jouett Shouse, President of the American Liberty
League. (Doc. No. 114)
"It gan §e_Done" — Speech by Hon. Merrlll E. 0t1s, Un1ted States D1str1ct Judge. (Doc.
Nc. 115)
"A Layman Lggks_at the_§upreme_ggurt" - Speech by Hon. Arthur H. Vandenberg, United I _
States Senator from Michigan. (Doc. No. 116) `
"Abuses of Power" - Speech by Jouett Shouse, President of the American Liberty League. ’
(Doc. No. 118) ·
"The Neeg_fgr_gonst1tut1gnal Growth_by Construgtfon or_Amendment" - Speech by Raoul
E. Desvernine, Chairman of the National Lawyers Committee of the American Llberty League. W
(Do;. No. 119)
"Shall we have Const1tut1gnal_L1berty_or D1ctatorsh1pQ" - Speech by Hon. James A. Reed,
member National Lawyers Committee, American Liberty League. (Doc. No. 120)
"The Pres1gent's l936_Tax Proposalg" - An analysis of a misnamed revenue program mark-
· 1ng the end of the so-called breathing spell. (Doc. No.l12);
"New work—Rel1ef Fungg" — An analysis of the adm1n1strat1on's request for add1t1onal
funds with wh1ch to cont1nue many of the unwise and wasteful experiments undertaken hereto-
fore. (Doc. No. 117) · _
"0ur;New_§po1ls System" — Reprint of an art1cle by Lawrence Sullivan illustrating how
the Federal C1v1l Service has been prostltuted to partlzan ends under the present adm1n—
lstratlon. (Leaflet No. 7)
"The.Mag1_ang_the"Showdgwn" - Reprint of an editorial from the Charleston (South Carolina)
News and Courier lllustratlng by fable what happens when pol1t1cal magicians have no more `
rabb1ts to pull out of hats. (Leaflet No. S)
"ggvernment_by Busybgg1e§" - A discussion of the plague inflicted upon long—suffer1ng
peoples when their rulers develop delusions of omnlscience and 1nfall1b1l1ty. (Leaflet No.9)
"surggggpggs AND Bass"
"About the year A. D. 200 the Praetorian Guard sold the`Roman Empire to a man whose name
1s not worth remembering for a sum that netted them about $1,000 each. The taxpayers had
that b1ll to foot. Some of our politicians may be trying to make a better trade but somehow
I doubt 1t. I shall live and die believing that the best thing we can do 1s to punish rascals
and give every man a chance to work out his own destiny. I never will believe 1t's rlght to
rob the hlves of bees that worked all summer in order to feed butterflies that danced through
the same sunny hours, even if the butterflies are forced to migrate south and never get back.
It will take lots of propaganda to make me believe that the bees beat them to all the best
flowers and stole the nectar from them."
— Excerpt from an art1cle by the Reverend Bascom
Anthony 1n the Savannah Mornlng News of February
23, 1936.
"Your letter of the 13th lnst. received 1n which you asked me to give you some idea as
to how the people feel towards the present adm1n1strat1on and the New Deal. wish to state