that the writer has voted for every Democratic candidate for President since Bryan, and am
therefore wrlting you from the standpoint of a Democrat. There are at least three important
factors that are golng to contribute towards the defeat of the Democratic party, if lt is
"lst — The vast amount of expenditure of our National funds, much of which the people
generally think ls unnecessary, extravagant and wasteful. when the average tax paying
citizen seeing our taxes being thrown away on such things as $100,000 for elephant pits and
for many other useless expenditures such as tap dancing and spending money to try to teach
‘ snakes to walk and monkeys to talk, 1t is disgusting indeed and they naturally see RED.
"2nd - The enormous National debt which our present administration has increased ln
three years from around eighteen billions of dollars to nearly thirty-five billions, which
A 1s far more than any president has spent in the history of this Nation. what if our fore-
fathers had gone on a spending spree 50 or 75 years ago as the present Government is doing,
putting us ln financial bondage, how do you think we would now feel towards our former _
Government? when we would be having to pay off a debt made a generation ago, much of whlch
was spent wastefully. The vast majority of the citizens of this Nation are inherently con-
servative, having been taught so for generations by their forefathers, and any official or
_adm1n1strat1on, whether national, state or county, that wastes our tax funds and spends ex-
travagantly and recklessly, cannot long stay popular or in power, but defeat ALWAYS comes
to those who are careless and wasteful of our taxes.
"5rd — The relief situation —— The people generally and the taxpaylng public especially,
consider 1t an unholy mess of waste and extravagance. The dole, P.w.A.,w.P.A.,C.C.C., etc.,
are all the same and are rapidly teaching a large class of our citizenship to be lazy, tr1f—
ling, dependent, shiftless, and 1nst1ll1ng into their minds that the Government or somebody
owes them a living whether or not they work and hustle for it. It is practically getting
no where so far as diminishing relief 1s concerned, as there are nearly as many existing
under the above letters as there were two years ago, and as long as the government offers
higher wages and salaries to everybody unemployed, so that farmers and small employers of
labor cannot compete with, this class of citizenship will never hunt for or accept private
work. we know this from observation and practical experience in this part of the country."
— Excerpt from a letter to w. Forbes Morgan,
Secretary, Democratic National Committee, from ‘
F. A. Jones, President, McCracken County Property
Owners Association, Paducah, Kentucky.
WASHINGTON (D.C.) POST, April l0, 19561
"The example set by the American Liberty League in publishing its sources of
income, and accounting for its expenditures, is highly commendable. * * * The revel-
ations concernlng the finances of the Townsend organization, for lnstance, have done
more to discredit its fantastic program than the most cogent arguments of economic ex-
perts. And lt looks as though a few sobering facts about the AAA benefit payments will
greatly assist critics of this ambitious monument to the labors of the agricultural
, lobby1sts.”
(Copies of League documents mentioned herein are available upon request to the League's
national headquarters. Individual copies w1ll be supplied to non-members of the League at
a price of 5¢ per copy.)