A"Gratftude In Politics? - Reprint of an editorial from the washington Evening Star.
Ueaflet No. l0) g b
"28 Facts About The New Deal" - (Leaflet No. ll) A A
Petitions bearing the signatures of more than 55,000 c1t1zens includfng representa- »)
t1on from every State in the Union have been filed by the Leaguefs national headquarters
with the United States Senate In protest against the actions of the Black Lobby Investi-
gating Committee and the Federal Communications Commission in seizing and examining
private telegrams. Since these petltfons were filed on May ll other petitions bear1ng A
many additional names have been received at League headquarters. They·w1ll be filed
later. In addition, it 1s understood that many more petitions have been sent direct to -
members of the Senate. , , ‘
> Any member of the League or any c1t1zen who has not yet sbgned one of these petitions
_ land who wishes to register his protest against the unwarranted and Illegal actions of the
Lobby Committee and the Communications Commission may obtain rorms upon application to the »
League‘s national headquarters. .
_ - y ”The original gu111ou1ne which decapftated King Louis XVI, loyal friend of the
American colon1es when they needed a friend, was sold in France on St. Valent1ne‘s day
rar $1ev. g A A
”w1th American liberties at stake it might not be Inappropriate to buy that
gulllotine and set it up in front of the new Judicial temple wh1ch frowns across the
_park that separates it from the Cap1tol.” ‘
I V I · —- From the March issue of "The Democratic D1gest," I
‘ published by the Women's D1v1s1on of the
G A— Democratic National Committee.
“There is a place where a Presbyterian Church cannot be bu1lt.. That_may be start-
, ling news to some of us. But 1t becomes more startling when we learn where the place _
1s.. we m1ght suppose that it was In Africa, China, Russia, or Mexico. But the locatlon
is not in some far away land, but right here at our own door---1n our neighboring State _
of Tennessee, 1n the town of Norris. The reason is the Federal government has taken
1 religion in hand, built a 'community church house,' and has said to all denominations,
you cannot build any of your churches here. And that settles it. The order sounds very _
much like those being issued 1n Russia and Germany._ And all this in spite of the fact
_ that the Federal Constitution says: that Congress shall make no law respecting the es-
tablishment of religion or preventlng the free exercise thereof. But Constitution or
`no Constitution, you can't build a Presbyterian Church in Norris, Tennessee, in the good
old United States." 4 . , I
-- Mississippi Visitor (Presbyterian Monthly)
I Jackson, Mississippi .
· _ g g March, 1956
Raoul E. Desvern1ne's book, ”Democrat1c Despot1sm," is an exceptionally able con-
tribution to current discussion and thought on trends of Government. The author 1s
Chairman of the National Lawyers Committee of the American Liberty League. He has been
a close student and observer of political and economic events in the United States and,
abroad for many years. _He points out striking parallels between the beginnings of g
despotism in Germany, Italy, Russia and Turkey and the development of policies by the
,New Deal Adminlstration. Mr. Desvernine sees the destruction of 1nd1v1dual liberties and A
of self-government as the Inevitable result, unless the swing away from the Constitution
1s checked. - _ e ·‘