dict is in. There are vital responsibilities to be ····‘·‘*"""‘""""_‘—’
met by our government without trying further * *
experiments. There is much to do in undoing
what has already been done. Our money should
be stabilized before it is too late. Plans should  
be made for the abandonment of the A.A.A.
as soon as it is practicable. The N.R.A. should V I]
be abandoned, unless it be possible to devise y
some provisions to prevent exploitation of labor ·
and of the consumer.  
As for legislation now pending, some of it is -
distinctly evil, and none of it in its present form -
is wholly satisfactory. None of it is likely to
contribute to recovery. All banking legislation * * *
should be postponed until conditions are more
stable. There shou.ld be devised a way to con-
trol the utilities without destroying them. The Speech af
economic security measures in their present
form will not serve any immediate good. DR. NEIL CAROTHERS,
At this time the government should concen- Professor of Economics and Director
trate on two objectives. One is the balancing f h C H fB , Ad ,
of the budget. It should reduce expenditures to Q t c_ 0 age? uSln€SS_ mln-
the lowest possible level. The other is the eco- 1Su`°u°n’ Lchlgh Un1v°rS1ty’ and
nomical and non4political administration of re- Member °f the N¤ti<>¤¤l AdViS01`Y
lief. There is now at the disposition of the ad- Council of the American Liberty
ministration an almost inconceivable sum of four League, ever the Red Network
billion, eight hundred million dollars for relief. of the National Broadcash
This sum represents $8,000 for every minute . .
, mg Company, April 17,
of every hour of every day for an entire year.
With the grant of this appropriation the last 1935
shadow of an excuse for further experiments is
gone. All that the people of this country need .
now is the assurance that they will be permitted
to do the job of bringing recovery from depres- QE IC4
. . Y  ·, *9
s1on. They have not had this assurance for two yi    
years. That assurance is all they need. E,   »_;;_ 3*
Qpry Wvo
National Headquarters
* ir
Document No. 28