THE American Liberty League believes that hu-
t man rights and property rights are inseparable.
I The League is neither for nor against the New
VERY AMERICAN CITIZEN who believes ])ea]_
E ir} the ferriementei erieeipiee whieh serve it is aat tat one political patty as against another.
trrrttr te the Cerretttetree etreettt treeeree e The League believes in tha two party system aaa
member of the Amer1can Liberty League. _ _ _
The League was organized August 15, 1934, in Q will take no steps to bring about a change 1n the
the District of Columbia. Its charter states: iloiliii of ersenizetien ef either Paitve ieseilviiig the
itil Shall be 8 non-partisan Organization? right to appeal to both parties to endorse the
"The particular business and objects of the Society a Leegiieis Piiiiieipies
shall be to defend and uphold the Constitution of the The League hopes to and will be happy to have
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rights of persons and property as fundamental to every elected representatives of the people. As 8Il Ofgallii
successful form of government, and (2) will teach the zeiien the League will be neither fel. nel. against
duty of government to encourage and protect individ- _
ual End gl'0lIp initiative and €Dt€[`pI`IS€, to f0StBI‘ the 4 any elected r€pr€S€ntat1VcS’ except as   may or
right to work, earn, siive and iietliiire Pi`oPei`iY» sud to t may 1'l0t share with it 3. d€VOtl0I1 to {IIC p1’ll'tCipl€S
ipiriicgeriireqtiliieciioynership and lawful use of property for which the League Stands.
t The League’s objective is to persuade elected
The League proposes to teach those things that iii f O or m oi in whatever iaok to follow
will awaken in tl1e hearts and minds of our people 0 c€rS_ 0 _ g V n C _ _ _
an appreciation Oi- the necessity Oi- cheiishiiigi pi_0_ t the pr1nc1ples for wh1ch lt stands and to induce a
tecting, defending and fighting for those liberties majority of tiie voteis iii evei`Y State and every
·. and rights which are guaranteed by the Constitu- Congressional district to elect candidates, regardless
tioii eiiti wiiieii iiiiist be Pieseiveti it we eXPeot our of party aiiiliation, who have pledged allegiance to,
term ef gevsrnmem te endure _ _ a11d by their acts in public office have shown that
Evcily cluzenimail or Womam in the Shophm the they will carry out the principles of the American
field, 1n the mill, 1n the count1ng house, 1n the _
business world, in the home or in any walk of life, _ Llbelily L€llgll€' ii i ii ii
who believes in the aims and purposes of the l i
League, has an opportunity to join through one of i The Aiiieiieeii Liberty League believes iii the
several divisions. following principles:
These divisions ere the Farmers, Divisieiiv the “We believe that the Congress of the United States
Labor Divisioiie tiie Home Owners, Division, the   should represent the people and should not shirk the
Life Insurance Policyholders’ Division, the Savings task in any way by dalagatittg its authority to bureau-
Depositors" Division, the Stockholders’ Division, crats under the guise of administrative ‘eHiciency’ or
the Bondholders’ Division, the Shopkeepers’ Divi- through any other subtcrfugo."
Siono and etheI·S_ _ l "We believe that Congress should make the laws
An Executive Committee Of eighteen, chosen and that bureaus or boards or commissions should not
from diiierent parte of the eeuntryi will be i.eSpen_ be permitted to promulgate arbitrary regulations. or
sible for the conduct Oi- the League. ‘dec1s1ons’ having the torce of law or to apply punish-
A Supromo Advisory Council of fifty or Sixty t ments not c0nta1ned in the iaw or to-conduct trizilj
citizens, thoroughly representative of every section, without lmsldequate Opportunity for rcvlcv or appw i A
_ _ _ _ _ We believe that the courts of the nation and not
wlll cllllllcll allll advise wllll lllc Exccllllvc Coml _ government bureaus should pass upon questions of
mittee in its important work. civil iusticett
2 2.