has forged a new approach to American problems, ing of funds for such projects as are capable of
whose skillful leadership has brought the old- repaying indebtedness, and are not competitive with
fashioned reactionaries in American business further existing enterprise, the efforts made to stabilize the
toward the sensible liberalism of Woodrow Wilson dollar, the proposal to remove tariff barriers and
and Thomas Jefferson than has any other single r negotiate reciprocal trade agreements, the moves
influence in our lifetime. The “left wing" is un- towards disarmament and, generally speaking, the
fortunately blind to these gains. entire foreign policy, the use of silver asa monetary
For there is a greater sense of social responsibility supplement but not a substitute for gold, the stimu-
in business today than ever before. lation of foreign trade, the legislation adopted to
There is, moreover, no group of business men help reorganize corporate structures, the general
of any substantial number in America who want to purposes of the Federal housing act and the measures
see human rights disregarded. for the relief of farm and city mortgages.
There is no group that believes in the exploitation
of human beings. i
There is no group which wants to see any human Indefzmrble But there ceen _he ne de;
belng starve. », _ _ fense of the spo1ls system-
But there are groups, yes, hundreds of them, who P¤l¤¢¤¢= °f WhefehY Pnblle tfnet le
honestly believe it is cruel for a political-minded GOV¢fnm€nl: betmYed· `
set of men to waste public funds, to take property There een be nn defense
without due process of law, to confiscate property er hhrea“eraeY· _ _
without just compensation and to ignore the plight There eah bc ne defense ef a Pelle}? which de"
of the millions of men and women who want work SrreYe earrle er erePe· _
but cannot get it because the economic mechanism is There can be ne defense 0f_ {he P0l1eY of lending
kept from functioning by the sabotage of irrespon- rheheY _re scr UP lnsrrhmentnlltles thee Wenlel enm-
sible radicalism. netelwith aind distrgy business 1n which the public
as investe its un s.
It _S a n h t bl m There can be no defense of rhe policies which
Operation of “bi Eugisgsg, ng? th; mf; O; seek byisubterfuge to usurp the rights of the States
N I L g _ as, for instance, 1n the NRA s theory that lall bnsi-
efure . awe an eeehenhe SYSterh that has ness has suddenly come under Federal Jurisdiction.
BENQ Retarded gr‘£‘g;rlrS&r;r;h;§le1§’;rJ‘(ih;ncEd; Tlgere can]  no cl)ef1ense of the p)ol(lcy ofbwasteful
_ spen ing vv IC un a ances our u get y 4,000
_eha§e Wllldedbeu ever the World thc dhempleymem millions of dollars and gives no dependable pledge
Pre em . as .eeh gr°W‘hg.aS ah eftcfmeth of Wah of abatement of such expenditures.
It is high time the blaming of one another ceased Thcrc a b d r r h . r
and the so-called leaders of American thought recog- individu F P C no eijnee gr t e lietelgleree 0 ley
nized that the responsibility for improvement of the Conititzltieey pu ble d lee dwbe ele"? t eg
economic conditions now lies with those in govern- , ·uStiH th On can e We eee eeeuee t e en
mental position who are retarding the operations J rr es . C means' . .
of natural economic laws and shaking the founda- h rt rs deeded ed amend the C°ner‘r“r‘°“· lee
tions of the Republic by casting doubt upon the t e people have the chance to express themselves
title of the individual to his home and his business. upon every edeh peepeeeh
If taxation goes to extremes, it means the destruc- lf rf re deerred fe grve the Federal e-reverhmehe
tion of private property, complete p0Wcr over all business and industrynlct
If jungle levv prevails in government, then l the people vore upon that proposition IH constitu-
commitments cannot be made by business men. ' rrehal eehvenfrene-
Financing of enterprises must then be at a standstill. If lt is desired to abolish the State g0Vef_nments
Whg Wants to buy 3 bend payable ten yegye hence 2.l'1Cl let tl`l€ FCdCI`2.l 3,U.tl’1OI'lty COI`1iZ1‘0l Cl€Ct1‘1€; llght
if the whole structure of business is threatened by and P0Wel', coal, 0ll, 9-nil all the Pfednetlen ef
acts of piracy? Where are such transgressions? American farms, let the Ameflenn Pe0Ple» else ln
Let ug Hrst make 3 egnfesgign Of faith; COI1Stlt\.1tl01'1&l COI1VCI1tiOf1S, pass upOI1 tl’1C such funda-
The New Deal has some commendable policies. mental eh¤nge$·
So far as this writer is concerned, he approves There is nothing in the Constitution which per-
heartily the methods and the money that have been mits any man or group of men to equalize competi-
used to furnish relief to the unemployed, the lend- ·. tion, to redistribute wealth or to redistribute brains,
4 5