*0 Put 3 P¢¤anY upon °inoi€noY of to Punisn Suoooss getting power of minority blocs in congressional
by oonn$oatoYY taxation- elections to align himself at the outset with those
who would regard the American Liberty League
as an institution of “reactionaries."
. Th€ Writer d¤¤s not PYo· The men in the American Liberty League are
Neemn Needs f€$$ to know the Program not the kind who are intimidated by the comments
sown? Fr¤m of the Amonoan _Lib€YtY of various members of Congress who promptly
Opporlunisls League, CXCCPY fsr 1t$_ Pob‘ christened them "die-hards."
hsnod Statofnont sf an *nton‘ The League is an inevitable response to the
tion to preserve and defend the Constitution. challenge by the left Wing.
Bus thsfs is mm i¤ Aissrissr i¤¤lssd_» thsrs is rr re, therefore, definitely errrrreriieei.
need today for men who will give their lives, their t It is against the gteupe that Weuid dtive ML
fsfsusss end. then eeered hemsf ee preserve the if Roosevelt from sound to unsound positions.
Republic against those who either have never read
the Ten Commandments or who believe an emer-
gency in economic circumstances repeals the laws of _ For the forces which have
right and wrong. p To FISH for been unloosed in the depres-
For nearly a year and a half, business has been Rights Reserved sion and would introduce a t
abused. Taking their cue from the White House, to the Pe°p|e eornmunistie or soeiglistie
the “left wingers” have denounced all business men state are for the moment
as dishonest and only occasionally have they con- i sympathetic to Mr. Roosevelt, but they will turn
ceded there might be a few exceptions. upon him whenever he makes the slightest conces-
There comes a time when business loses its t sions to the liberal conservatives.
, morale, when there is defeatism where there should There are few men in America who have given
be hope and determination. i of themselves so unselfishly as Alfred E. Smith.
Business should organize. It should enlist sup- g He rose from poverty to the highest gift in his
porters in every precinct in the land.   party. He served the people of New Xiork hStat’e
as governor and nobody called him a die- ard
. . . then.
Signifieenee themfjep °1“‘°‘a‘iS kssw Only Today former Governor Smith lends his name
- guage 0 VOteS’ not d o en su ort to the American Libert Lea ue
In Character the logic of reason or the en p b hpp it t i h . . d Y gh '
[Or enizere eeteueeiveneee et thoughtful t must e ecause e ee s t e issue is rawn, ttat
° 8 debate there has been an attack on the Americanism which
It is significant that twoimen who have been lgefttgeggtoeere safeguarded e meme hsms end his
honored by the Democratic part b bein given ’ . . .
the nomination for the presidenciir hizive coiisented .Fee eereee this fend tbs s1¤sf·t*¤¤*<¤¤g ssssls
to serve on the executive committee of the Ameri- Wul Jem ths Ame“ee“.Lu°e“Y Lsagss bssauss u
can Liberty League. It is significant that two eefere thsm as eppeeeumey ee Hehe for e eeuee that
prominent Republicans have done likewise. le .the emx ee.Amemeen liberty 1tee1e_el?e Perpetu-
This, therefore, is no new alignment of parties. etlenee ths rights greeted by rhs eieneemmen and
It is the beginning, however, of a Constitution bloc. Fhs rights reserved ee ths peeple Whleh It Wee neleer
TO the extent that Ceegteee hee dietegetded the mtended that government or the Constitution
pleas of business, the American Liberty League will . Should ever usurp• _
begin in due time to help the election of Democrats i Funds may eeme at ths eueset hem a isw busmsss
Oi. Repubiieetiet es the eese may be, who WOW men who sponsortthe movement, but in the final
themselves in favor of principles of sound economics. aualyele rhs Aruomoan L1bortY Loaguo Wul s¤¤s¢s‘=d
As for Mr. Roosevelt, it is inconceivable that the • °r eau depending upon Whotnor It bnngs ts Its
Ametieeii Liberty League is at this time planning membership the rank and file of American voters,
e campaign te ebbeee the Ptesideiite teeieetieit the white collar workers as welltas all who own
Rather would it seem logical that the American pr°portY» thsss whs manag€ buSlnoSs» thoso whs
Liberty League Should be bieiming to Win the understand how. high taxation destroys incentive
support and cooperation of Mr. Roosevelt on as and Provonts buslnoss ToooVoI`Y·
many portions of its program as possible. Tho Loagtno Plans to gift at1cast_4r¤¤¤,<>¤¤ m_on'¥‘
The President is tee Wei] aware of the Vote- bers. This is more than there are in the American
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