Total Obligations Incurred for Relief and *
Administration *
(Federal, State and Local Governments)
1933 1934
January $60,827,161 January $53,880,834
February 67,375,424 February 57,668,213
March 81,205,631 March 69,794,803
April 73,010,801 April 132%,134,287* ) Q )
May 70,806,338 May 129,222,77l*
June 66,339,207 June 125,198,650*
iuly 60,1%,274 iuly 130,953,2l5:
ugust 61,4 , 96 ugust 149,424,555 ·
September 59,346,338 September 143,227,846* , ' All A1“1&1yS1S of t1'l€ EIDE]? ·
October 64,888,913 October 156,807,070T , , ,
1151 ovemtber   November 175,789,7421· gency Relief z°xppI'OpI'13.lZ101‘1
. ecem er , , -
* Includes gbligations Lncurred for rgiaterialg gndéiééigr Act Of 1935 as  proved   ,
expenses inci ent to wor program su stitute or . l
‘l‘P1·e1iminary figures. the House  
Obligations incurred by the Federal, state, and 1
local governments are shown separately in the  
following table for the 21 months for which final * * *  
figures are available:  
Relief Obligations Incurred, January, 1933-  
September, 1.934 1
Federal Funds P State Fundsp LocalFu1u1.iD "The American Liberty League thorough-  
6* e7` 6* ly recognizes the obligation of our govern-  
égjge, Amount Gent Amount Cent Amount Cem ment to come to the relief of the men and  
1st1$122,gg0,4i7 58.4 3%,405,682 8.8 $68,622,07g 32.8 women who are in distress because of un- 5
2n 136, 1,1 0 65.0 ,589,838 9.8 52,865,36 25.2 employment through no fault of their own, 1
it} 15$’;326’;§°62 $673 Z2;63‘6;?62 62:3 6?;?63;?S6 3:6 ·¤ are ¤¤¤¢=*¤¤ from ¤¤¤*¤¤¤¤ we which Q
Tl. $480,601,783 60.6 $112358,252 14.2 $l99,802,992 25.2 they could have n° °°nu`°l• And This we Z
1984 firmly believe can be done without violation 1
166 $88,169,309 48.7 $59,306,742 32.7 $33,771,251 18.6 °f °“f,C°“S‘“““°“ °' °f Am°"°°" ““d"  
2nd 271,217,442 73.8 40,883,586 11.1 55,454,679 15.1 ti°n’· 1
gig $17,147,560 74.9 36,658,190 8.6 69,799,867 16.5 p,c1,,,,,1,,,1 1,; p611161p166 ,4116,1161; by the I
T1. 666666,611 6116 616666,616 16.1 616666,666 16.6   °°"""·"“· “’"""’" 5· '°**‘ 1
The entire relief problem is one which the Con-  
gress should not shirk. The American Liberty 4 1
League, as indicated by the excerpt from its 1
statement of principles quoted on the title page 5
of this pamphlet, believes that ample funds * j 
should be provided for relief. It has not been 1
the purpose here to discuss re11ef needs but  
rather the manner in which it is proposed to I
shift the determination of policies from the legis-
lative to the executive branch of the government. _ A
The powers conferred under the joint resolution
are not only unrestricted as to the manner of AMERICAN LIBERTY LEAGUE
expenditure of funds but might be used to make National Hmdqumtcys
a very material change in our form of govern-
ment. The Congress should not countenance a NATIONAL PRESS BUILDING
step which tends toward nullification of the divi- WASHINGTON D- C-
sion of authority under the Constitution among
the three coordinate branches of government. * *
@-4 9 l
Document No. I2
JKDURIY 28, 193f