No Second Chance



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Out at UCLA, students who are
UK had two flagrant incidents of
caught cheating will no longer escape academic dishonesty this year. One
with niiM reprimands or even acastudent, a football player, was merely
demic prohation. The university, in an placed on disciplinary probation for
unprecedented decision, is now susattempting to steal an examination
V-r-pending every student found guilty paper from a UK office; another, a
of cheating, regardless of the offense.
graduate student, was suspended inTin's may sound harsh, perhaps
definitely for doing virtually the same
even brutal.
thing. The inconsistent punishments
But it is not so brutal when one brought an uproar of adverse pubinvestigates the case. Polling its stulicity to UK.
dent body to ascertain how many
Although a
rule of
cheated, the university found that 49 immediate suspension may not be
percent of its students engaged in best, UCLA at least has taken the
cheating of one form or another. So, initiative in trying to stop cheating.
the suspension rule was established. We think that disciplinary policies
This doesn't give the student much for dishonesty should be harsh and
of a chance. Under this system, he is shouldn't allow the student much of
taking a serious risk if he decides to a second chance.
plagiarize a term paper, cheat on
The University would do well to
exams, or even aid in cheating. He follow this California school's example
will be bounced in short order. There and revamp its own disciplinary rules.
are no second chances.
If an honor system is ever to be
And should there be any second considered here, it must be first inchances? Most universities recognize itiated by the leadership of adminV
different degrees of cheating, as does istration.
the University of Kentucky. Likewise,
UCLA will probably be scoffed at,
Hut, John, hvs riiiltt. Tlivrv isn't any Easier lluntiy.
most universities have different descorned, and even laughed at for its
grees of punishments. The tendency strong decision to kick out every
has been not to suspend the student dishonest student. The students themfor cheating, but to punish him lightly. selves might even stage a revolt. But
Innovation of certain surroundLexington Renewal
The result? Cheating is not stopped; we know one thing.
ing arras around the University would
To The Editor:
it is actually allowed to flourish.
We bet the system works.
be welcomed enthusiastically.
The Lexington Herald, in an ediIt is indeed time for Lexington
torial Monday, advocated that Lexington THINK BIG in its planning to stop acting like the duck and the
and appropriations to handle the goose and the lazy old pig, and help
Some people have told us that we
Holmes Hall is full of girls. Donthe little red lien.
future growth of the city.
take the critical approach too often ovan Hall is full of boys. These are
The University, as an integral part
Nami Wiihhlld
and that we would have a happier good.
of the city, should stand staunchly
life if we did not question them too
Jerry's serves food. So does the behind this
Not A Cirl
SUB. And, we have heard, Donovan
During the years, the UniThis editorial is dedicated to them. Hall does, too. Great. They are worthy versity has conducted an adequate To 'I he Editor:
of approbation.
Was it tin- readers or the editors
The sun is shining somewhere toand complex expansion program. It
Harry Truman hates the Republiwho wue fooled by your April 1
day. We can't assume this completely,
has built new dormitories, is concans. President Eisenhower hates the
but it usually does, so we think it
structing a new Medical Center, and K( mi 7 Six ( tin art? The pic ture shows
Democrats. What do you think?
a male Bushman from the Kulahaii
will today also.
plans for the construction of addiSome people prefer Alaska beDeseit (f Southwest Africa. Your
The University of Kentucky is a
tions to the library along with
of the cool climate. Others like
"jumje bc autv ' never saw a jungle
university. We know this for certain
in his ( not In r ) life.
because we have been told so and Lexington because of the inconsistent
During this time the immediate
weather. Still others like Peru beWe recommend that the editor
we have attended.
surrounding territory has virtually recause of the hot climate. The Kernel
watch television between ) a.m. and
mained its same shimmy sclf-- a
Spring is here, according to the is neutral on the subject.
0 a.m. Mondays. Wednesdays, and
as compared with the
Painters paint, singers sing, work1'iidavs. Piof. Snow will give special
Montana is a state in the United ers work, writers write, editors edit, scenic splendor of the campus.
As the Herald so aptly stated, if instruction at that time on the difStates. So are Connecticut, Alabama, swimmers swim, drivers drive, fliers
ference's between men and v.onx n.
and California. Toledo is not a state, fly, and entertainers entertain. What you want to get am thing out of a
We firmly believe that such knowlventure you must put something in.
but a city.
do you do?
edge is undaiiieiital for well educated
Lexington too long has been
We have been told that many stuDictionaries are full of words. So dwelling
in the colonial ages expectdents will go to Florida. It's another are books. And magazines and newsFrank J. F.ssene
ing the agencies and individuals to
state in the United States, also.
papers and periodicals and all kinds
De partme nt of Anthropology
accomplish things with little or no
Italy is a country. Many say that of things.
support. Then when these things were
(Sojic, tee don't need the instnu-tioit is shaped like a boot, but we really
Some say that Plato had the right
accomplished, they would immediWe knete the differenee. April
don't know. Boots have funny shapes idea; some say that Jesus had the
ately jump on the bandwagon.
looi The
right idea; some say that Bousseau
Grass is usually green, except had the right idea; some say that
when it is another color.
Kierkegaard had the right idea; some
We like coke. But many people say that Sartre had the right idea;
The Dean of Women's Office has when girls have to wire Hong Kong,
like coke. And, if you should not some say that Father Divine had the
happen to like coke, we are sorry right idea; some say that Jack Paar outdone itself with protection motives. Guatemala, Waikiki, for permission to
that we offended you. You have a had the right idea. What do you It has surpassed all previous feminine go to Florida.
The rule specifies Florida. It docs
legislation. This masterpiece is a
right to your own tastes.
not allow for vacations in other localWindows usually fill the space
The curve system curves.
transcendent and encompassing rule
ities such as Alaska, California, or
allotted to them.
If this editorial has offended you, pertaining to Florida vacations.
the South Sea Islands. These places
There are sidewalks on the UK we apologize. We did not mean it.
It says: "All girls who plan to are further away and are infinitely
campus. There are also sidewalks in You are good. You are kind. You are go to
Florida for the Easter holidays more alien.
Lexington and in many other towns benevolent.
must have special permission from
Furthermore, we can't see how
and cities in the United States.
We like you.
home." The signs are on all the bulthe destinations of the entire fhxk
letin boards, and every girl planning of UK girls can be regulated at such
to recover from two months' study-ingreat distances without radar equipin the sunny south must first ment. We can
see UK administrators
Umvensity of Kentucky
write or phone to mommy for pernow tombing the beach to account for
Enter id t the Post OH ice ut l.minnlon, Kntiuky us kioiiJ c t.iss matter under the Ail of M.irih 3, 1879.
mission to travel into these parts all the lassies who have gone astray
I'ulilishcd tour timet 4 wck diiiiiiK the Irani. ir m hixil year euept hoiidu Mini exam.
without permission. The housemothers
This rule becomes pre tty asinine
lill L XeikirK, Editor
will go down cti masse to protect
Bob Anderson, MatMfiinn Editor
Stewart Ilnx.rn, Snort Editor when you consider the large
number their charges from the alligators and
Tail Zim.mhiun and Carole Martin, Assistant Mananinti Editors
of girls who live in Florida to begin
Alice Akin, Society Editor
Dick Ware and John Miichul, I'ltotoranhcrs
the Seminoles and all the other dangwith. They will have to phone the ir ers that the innocent girls are unStuart Coi.dearb and 1'acl Dykes, Adiertisinu Managers
l'tKRY Ashley, liusiness Manne r
Heyerly Cakiavlll, Circulation parents long distance
to find out if it aware of.
Hob JlrKNDON, IUnk Ciiai'Man, ami Skip Taylor, Cartoonists
is ethical and appropriate lor the
George Smith, Kettle t'oidis, Logan Bailey, Hobble Mason. Robert Oimloi (t. Jean
Staff Writer:
'Ibis will indeeel prove dilficult.
Schwartz, ChristJ Kinlcv, Herb Sice ley. New tun Spencer. Richard Hedlund. Michele realm. Sue
prodigal daughters to return to the And we wonder if they will really
MiCauIey, John Kitzwuter. Scottie Heit, Lavon Hennett, Merrill DeiU. Hob Kia.ser. Norrik Johiikon,
honald f.UKee, Mary Lucille Miller, Jainck Laurence 1'erkin, Jim I'hillips. Neila Shairon Scott,
nest when the dorms close and they try to
Allen Truvu. Edward D. Van Hook. Eleanor liuikhaid, Beverly Caldwell, and Toni Lennos.
cnloice this rule.
have nowhere else to go.
It would be a good excuse to go
It will also become burdensome to Florida.
Mlreda Davis, Setts Editor
t Bahiy,

ft IKa?


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